About the author:
Oshurko A. P., Oliinyk I. Yu., Gryshchuk G. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Nowadays, scientific achievements very often require the determination of contents of micro- and macro elements, which cannot be defined by a certain method of analysis. Scientific progress provokes appearance of the necessity to select easy to execute, accurate, sensitive methodologies, which will give the opportunity to identify the component in complex biological mixtures. To solve this problem, we have selected the separation and concentration methods that give the opportunity to eliminate complex, hardly predictable situations to the large extent. Moreover, in many cases concentration broadens the borders of the use of instrumental control methods (atomic absorption spectrometry, spectrophotometry). Having analyzed the scientific resources with a choice of the combined and hybrid methods to perform the fragment of scientific research in terms of studying of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the upper jaw bone tissue of a human in dynamics of prenatal ontogenesis, we would like to emphasize that the atomic absorption spectrum is simpler than the emission, because it contains only the resonance lines and exactly those of them that have higher excitation potential than the emission ones. Absorption spectra are slightly shifted to a short-wave area. By the technique of the analysis, the atomic absorption photometry of the flame reminds the emission: the investigated solution is sprayed into the flame, where the processes of atomization and ionization are being performed, forming chemical compounds, and these processes are common for both variants of flame photometry; similar obstacles are also present during identification of the elements. However, it is necessary to mention that spectral barriers in atomic and absorption method are considerably smaller than in the emission, because absorption lines have small width and lamps with hollow cathode do not emit light, molecular lines of which would overlay onto these lines. The most important obstacle is non-selective (molecular) identification, which is pre-defined by the big concentration of the extraneous elements in complex, in our case, biological objects and systems, insufficient monochromatization of the light flux. In order to identify the concentration of the studied solution by means of the atomic and absorption photometry of the flame, the same methods as in the emission are used, namely – the method of the graded graph, comparison and standard addition method. Method of the graded graph is rationally to use in case of analysis of a large number of similar samples. By the comparison method, the magnitudes of the signals and the concentration of the studied and standard solutions are compared, this method is used when the qualitative composition of the samples is known and the determined area of linear dependence is defined. As of today, the atomic and absorption photometry method is used to identify more than 70 elements in different objects – biological solutions. Method is characterized by its expressiveness, selectivity and low limit of identification (up to 0,0005 mg/ml) as well as by its fairly high accuracy (1-5 %). Taking into account the studied scientific sources of literature, a considerable amount of available scientific research and our analysis, we can state that there is a good prospect for the growth of the use of combined and hybrid methods for determining the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of biological objects while conducting modern and up-to-date scientific research in morphology.
bone tissue, qualitative and quantitative characteristics, fetus, human
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 43-49 pages, index UDK 611.018.4-053.18:57.086