About the author:
Kulyk Y. M., Chornolata L. P.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Research purpose. Determined the presence of unnatural peptides in protein beans GM Roundup resistant soybeans compared with non-GM soy on the ability of the aromatic amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine) to absorb ultraviolet light in the range of 280 nm, as our studies conducted on Pauli reaction found that glyphosate, at boiling, enters the interaction, that is, forms compounds with aromatic amino acids not GM soybean and more expressed with the same amino acids GM as Roundup resistant soy. Object and research methods. In a glass heat-resistant glass was placed 2 g finely crushed on a laboratory mint GM Roundup resistant soybean, and in the second 2 g non-GM soybeans. In both glasses, 150 mg of distilled water was added and boiled for 30 minutes. Purpose of boiling – inactivation of anti-nutrients and transition to aqueous solution of water-soluble proteins, peptides and free amino acids. After boiling in each glass, distilled water was added to the label to 150 ml, that is, water was added which evaporated during boiling, and then separately from each glass, a medium sample of 10 ml of aqueous soy solution was taken and 20 ml of a 6.0% solution trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to precipitate the proteins and filter through a paper filter. Thus, soy protein filtrate was obtained from both variants, which determined the content of peptides with aromatic amino acids and free aromatic amino acids on a spectrophotometer SF-4 at a wavelength of 280 nm. A study was conducted on 20 samples of soybeans nonGM and 10 GM samples of Roundup resistant soybeans. Research results and their discussion. The extinction parameters of the spectrophotometer SF-4 filtrate after precipitation of TCA proteins of GM samples of Roundup resistant soybeans showed a lower level of peptides with aromatic amino acids and in the amount of free aromatic amino acids compared with the same extinction parameters of filtrate not GM soybeans. The extinction parameters of the content of aromatic amino acids depend on the protein content of soybeans, therefore, we determine the total protein content of soybean GM and not GM but the difference in 10 samples of varieties is not GM soya at the level of almost 40% higher level of aromatic amino acids against GM Roundup resistant soybean has an explanation due to the presence in the Roundup resistant soybean compounds between glyphosate and aromatic amino acids. The research, which include boiling in aqueous solution the crushed soybeans, trichloroacetic acid protein precipitation, obtaining filtrate and determination on a spectrophotometer content of aromatic amino acids on the principle of absorption of ultraviolet rays at 280 nm, set a lower content of aromatic amino acids in genetically modified (GM) Roundup resistant soybeans compared with non-GM soybeans, which indicating the presence in GM soybean unnatural peptides apparently glyphosate compounds of tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. Conclusions. The lower content of aromatic amino acids in GM Roundup resistant soybeans is compared with non-GM soybeans, which indicates the presence of GM soybeans of unnatural peptides, apparently, compounds of glyphosate with tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine.
genetically modified soybean, not genetically modified soybeans, aqueous extraction soybean, extinction, peptides, aromatic amino acids
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 114-117 pages, index UDK 633.34:604:543.645.6