About the author:
Mizin V. V., Lyashenko V. P., Lukashov S. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Age-related changes occur in all systems of the body, especially in the central nervous system. Special attention should be paid to the changes in the bioelectrical activity of the different zones of the neocortex. Most researchers in their studies consider the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex in the early stages of ontogenesis, leaving out the later age periods. But after the complete physiological and functional maturation of the cerebral cortex, the process of age-related changes continues, which should be taken into account when investigating various negative factors. The aim of the work was to establish the age-related changes in the bioelectrical activity of the motor and visual zones of the cerebral cortex of rats of different ages. The experiments were performed on the white non-linear non-native male rats. The rats were divided into 4 groups by age: І group – males of juvenile age of the immature period, (n = 15); ІІ group – males of young age of the reproductive period, (n = 14); ІІІ group – males of mature age of the reproductive period (n = 14); IV group – males of pre-rudimentary age of the period of senile changes, (n = 14). The registration of the electrocorticogram was carried out by removing the stereotaxic potential on a standard electrophysiological device. A needle unipolar electrode (nichrome, diameter 100 μm) was used. In the total amount of the electrocorticogram, the absolute and normalized indicators of electrical activity of the neocortex were analyzed. Having analyzed the absolute power parameters of the motor zone of the cerebral cortex, an age-related decrease in the delta rhythm was observed. Among the rats of young and mature age, the absolute power of delta rhythm decreased by 78% and 88% relative to juvenile males. In pre-teen age, it increased by 60,5% relative to young males. The delta rhythm dominated in the motor zone of the neocortex, except for the rats of young age, where the betalike activity predominated. Accurately high value of the absolute power for all the rhythms of the motor zone was among the males of the juvenile age, and significantly lower – among the rats of mature age. In the visual zone of the neocortex, the power of all the rhythms was two times lower relative to the power indices of the motor cortex of the cerebral cortex. The absolute power indicator of the theta rhythm is reliably lower relative to the other rhythms and has wavy age changes. The index of the alpha-like rhythm in young and mature age is significantly lower – in 2,7 and 13,6 times relative to the juvenile group. Synchronization of rhythms in juvenile, mature and pre-old age was observed according to normalized indices. Among the young rats, desynchronization of rhythms was observed due to an increase in the high-frequency betalike rhythm of the total electrocorticogram. In the visual zone of the neocortex among the rats of the juvenile age, the ratio between low- and high-frequency waves is equal. Synchronization of rhythms was observed in adulthood. Desynchronization of rhythms was observed at young and prescient ages due to an increase in beta-like and alphalike activity. Thus, despite the morphological features of the motor and visual cortex of the brain, the energy resources of neuronal activity decreased with age.
electrocorticogram, motor cortex, visual cortex, juvenile age, young age, mature age, prehistoric age
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 197-201 pages, index UDK 612.825:612.66