About the author:
Kharchenko S. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of the work is to investigate the differences in the general proteolytic activity in the pancreas of rats at the 21-st and 28-th day after burn, compared with other stages of the burn disease. Object and methods of research. Experiments were performed on 30 white male rats weighing 180 – 250 g. According to the European Convention adhered to the recommendations for medical-biological research. For the simulation of burn disease, immersed in the hot water under the ethereal anesthetizing of the egalized hind limb. Euthanasia of animals was carried out at the 21-st and 28-th day after burning under anesthetic anesthesia. In homogenate of pancreas tissues general proteolytic activity determinated by colorimetric method. The principle of the method is based on the interaction of amino acids, which is formed by the splitting of proteins, with ninhydrin. The product of this reaction has a blue color, the intensity of which is directly proportional to the amount of amino acids. The results of the research were subjected to mathematical-statistical analysis. Results of the research and their discussion. In our previous work it was stated that we determined the general proteolytic activity in tissues of the pancreas of rats with a burn disease: on the 1-st, and on the 7-th day after burn, the index had the same peaks of a decrease of 1.4 times. From the literature data it is known that when a burn disease, in the blood at the 1-st and 7-th day, on the contrary, increased general proteolytic activity. Perhaps the integrity of the pancreas is damaged, and proteolytic enzymes flow from the destroyed organ into the blood from the 1-st to the 7-th day (at the stage of burn shock and the stage of toxemia). It is known that a significant percentage of the mass of the pancreas are enzymes. Therefore, the flow of proteolytic enzymes from the damaged pancreas into the bloodstream may cause increased splitting of various proteins, increase proteolytic activity, disrupt the metabolism at the stages of burn shock and toxemia. Therefore, it is important to study the general proteolytic activity at the next stages of burn disease. In this work, it was investigated that in the 21-st day after burn (at the stage of septicotoxemia), the general proteolytic activity in the tissues of the pancreas of rats is significantly increased in 1.7 times compared to control. Proteolytic enzymes activity of pancreas tissues was higher on 71% at 21 day under conditions of burn disease, compared with the control. In pancreas tissues of the rats at the 21 day after burn general proteolytic activity increased in 2.3 times (on 133%), compared with 1 and 7 days. In pancreas tissues of the rats at the 28 day after burn general proteolytic activity continues to increase. It was found that general proteolytic activity increased in 1.8 times compared with the control. Proteolytic enzymes activity of pancreas tissues was higher on 82% at 28 day compared with the control. In pancreas tissues at the 28 day after burn general proteolytic activity increased in 2.5 times (on 149%), compared with 1 and 7 days. In the literature, there is evidence that from the 7-th to the 28-th day, the general proteolytic activity of the blood decreases. Increasing proteolytic activity in the pancreas at the 21-st and 28-th days may cause the destruction of the structure of proteins and gland, disrupt its functions, and increase the metabolic changes at the stage of septicotoxemia.
burn disease, pancreas, general proteolytic activity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 245-247 pages, index UDK [616.37 + 611.018.1]:616 – 001.17