About the author:
Vilkhova O. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Loose fibrous connective tissue is part of many parenchymal organs, acting as a stroma, forms the papillary layer of the dermis, is part of the membranes of the hollow organs, spinal cord and brain, eyes, blood vessels, heart, nerves, muscles, is located under the basement membrane of epithelium. It performs the following functions: protective, trophic, formative, basic, depreciation, reparative, regulatory. Due to its versatility, loose fibrous connective tissue occupies one of the leading places in the body. Studying the tissues of the human body, we can say that they all have a similar structural organization and consist of cells and noncellular components. Loose fibrous connective tissue cells are represented by different diferons: histiogenic diferon – adventitial cells, fibroblasts, fibrocytes, myofibroblasts, adipocytes, pericytes; hematogenous diferon – macrophages, plasma cells, tissue forms of granulocytes, lymphocytes, mast cells; neurogenic diferon – melanocytes, melanophores. Representatives of various diferons take an active part in maintaining the quantitative and qualitative composition of the intercellular substance. Non-cellular components include basic amorphous matter and fibers. The main amorphous substance has a gelatinous consistency and acts as a metabolic medium; consists of tissue fluid, glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans. Fibrous structures are represented by collagen, elastic, reticular fibers. Collagen fibers – strong, resistant to stretching and tearing, have no branches, swell when immersed in water; are located in groups that have different directions. The fibers consist of two components – fibrillar and carbohydrate, the synthesis of which is provided by fibroblasts. The structural organization of collagen fibers has five levels. To date, there are about 19 types of collagen, their difference depends on the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chains, the quality of carbohydrates and the degree of hydroxylation. The first five types are best studied and it is found that 90% of collagen is the first type. Elastic fibers have the ability to reverse deformation, resistant to alkalis and acids, do not swell when immersed in water, have low strength, can branch and form a network. Most elastic fibers are located in the walls of organs, which are constantly changing volume. The fibers contain the protein elastin and glycoproteins, which are synthesized by fibroblasts and smooth myocytes. Depending on the ratio of amorphous and fibrillar components, the following types are distinguished: elaunine fibers with an equal ratio of the two components; oxytalan fibers consist only of a fibrillar component. Reticular fibers by their physical properties occupy an intermediate position between elastic and collagen, but the chemical composition is closer to collagen, as they include collagen of the third type and carbohydrates. They are able to branch and form a network. Secreted by reticular cells and form the stroma of hematopoietic organs.с
loose fibrous connective tissue, cellular, non-cellular components, diferons.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 14-18 pages, index UDK 611.018.2