About the author:
Myronenko S. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The material of the article is devoted to the problem of forming strong immunity through regular health training. The main characteristics of health training are considered. It is noted that it is necessary to take into account the indications and contraindications to health training. There are principles of health training, compliance with which contributes to the effectiveness of training. Means of health training are aerobic and anaerobic (less used) loads, exercises of low, medium and high intensity. It should be noted that the main means of health training is aerobic cyclic exercise, which strengthens the human cardiorespiratory system. The method of determining the intensity of health training through the calculation of the maximum age pulse is considered. It is noted that physical activity is optimal in terms of volume and frequency – this is a lesson 3-5 times a week with a duration of at least 1 hour. It is good when cardio is present daily in a person’s life (fast enough walking, running, cycling for at least 30 minutes). The description of symptoms characterizing physiological, “borderline” and pathological reaction to physical activity is given. Thus, regular health-improving physical training of moderate intensity, corresponding to the age and physical condition of a person is an affordable and effective means of building strong immunity.
immunity, health training, characteristics of health training, aerobic exercises, anaerobic exercises, heart rate.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 18-21 pages, index UDK 613.73