About the author:
Kulik Ya. M., Vygovska I. O., Gonchar L. O., Khimich O. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The method of determination of acid capacity of genetically modified roundup-resistant soybean (GM) and not GM soybean has been developed. 25 g of soybeans (grains) of both variants were weighed out and placed in heat-resistant beakers, in which 150 ml of distilled water were added and heated to boiling, and then boiled for 30 min. Under such conditions, in an aqueous solution proceeds nonproteinaceous soluble protein fraction, soluble fraction of proteins, apparently, fatty acids, carbohydrates, minerals and amino acids. Along with this, the aqueous solution proceeds organic acids of the Krebs cycle (succinic, malic, citric, etc.) and their salts as well as glyphosate and its metabolites. After cooling the aqueous extract of soybeans of both variants, it was filtered through nylon fabric, and then 20 ml of filtered aqueous solution were taken and its pH was measured. Then, under the control of a pH meter, a solution of 0.01 n NaOH was titrated to pH 7, thus the acid capacity of the non-genetically modified soybean aqueous extract (control) and GM soybean (experiment) were determined. The difference in the values of 0.01 n NaOH of the aqueous extract of non-GM soybean (control) and the same extract of GM soybean corresponded to the different acidic capacity of soybean of both variants. It was found that the glyphosate methylphosphonyl group increased the acid capacity of genetically modified roundup-resistant soybean compared to non-GM soybeans, and this feature GM soya none of the researchers paid attention, and when growing GM soybeans, it subjected to stress under the action of strong herbicide Roundup. Then the question arises. In what form can manifest reaction organism of animals and humans to stress – the entry into their body of peptides with the methylphosphonyl group of glyphosate? This is the case when consuming GM soybeans in human foods and animal feeds. After all, increasing the acid capacity in GM soybeans concerns the redox system of the cytoplasm of cells, so research into these issues can be a priority.
acid capacity, soybean transgenic, stress, glyphosate, methylphosphonyl group.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 60-64 pages, index UDK 604:633.34:632.954