About the author:
Lutkovskyi R. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Aloplasty of groin hernia (GH), method of placement and fixation nanomodified polypropylene mesh preperitoneally, buth this is accompanied by a fairly high frequency of postoperative complications from the postoperative wound. In our view, the use of a nanomodified polypropylene mesh modified by carbon nanotubes and an antiseptic of polyhexamethlene guanidme chloride in combination with the method of placement and fixation preperitoneally the results of operative treatment of GH. Aim – to improve the results of operative treatment of groin hernias in combination with the method of placement and fixation preperitoneally nanomodified polypropylene mesh.Object and methods. The analysis of operative treatment of 136 patients with GH of has been performed. Depending on the type of mesh used during surgical treatment, patients were divided into 2 groups. In 68 (50%) of Group I patients, method of placement and fixation nanomodified polypropylene mesh preperitoneally. In the 2nd group, 68 (50%) patients method of placement and fixation preperitoneally of a classic polypropylene mesh. Results and discussion. Statistically significant results were obtained in patients of Group I compared to Group II: seroma was in 23 (33.8±1.1%) in Group II compared to 5 (7.4±0.3%) in Group I (p<0.05), respectively, the suppuration of the postoperative wound – 6 (8.8±0.6%) to 1 (1.5±0.3%) (p<0.05). The terms of stay of patients of group II on inpatient treatment – 11,1±2,1 days group II – 7,4±1,3 days. Long-term results: ligature fistulas of the anterior abdominal wall were detected in 3 (5.4±0.6%) patients of group II, in patients of group I of the ligature fistulas were not detected (p<0.05), meshoma – in 2 (3.6±0.4%) of patients in group II, in group I there was no stir (p>0.05). Chronic pain in the abdominal wall in 6 – 8 months after surgery was observed in 4 (7.1±0.4)% patients in group II and in 1 (1.8±0.3%) group I (p>0.05), recurrences of hernia were found in 5 (8.9±0.5%) patients of group II, in group I – in 1 (1.5±0.3)% (p<0.05). Conclusion. Operative treatment of GH method of placement and fixation nanomodified polypropylene mesh preperitoneally is more effective compared with the use of the classical polypropylene mesh, namely, reducing the freguency of seroma from 33.8±1.1% in the II group of patients to 7.4±0.3% in group I, respectively, suppurations of postoperative wounds – from 8.8±0.6% to 1.5±0.3%, inflammatory infiltrates – from 11.8±0.7% to 1.5±0.3%, ligaturial fistulas of the anterior abdominal wall – from 5.4±0.6% to 0%, meshoma – from 3.6±0.4% to 0%, chronic postoperative pain – from 7.1±0.4% to 1.8±0.3%, recurrence of hernia–from 8.9±0.5% to 1.8±0.3%.
groin hernia stomach, nanomodified polypropylene mesh, postoperative wound complications
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 120-124 pages, index UDK 616-007.43+617.55-089.844:615.468.74