About the author:
Bondarenko V. V., Steblovskyi D. V., Gavril’ev V. M., Avetikov D. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The teaching of dental disciplines in medical universities is increasing every year requirements for improving the quality of education, improving the level of education, competitiveness, the development of clinical thinking in students. When expanding teaching methods based on the creation of active cognitive activity of students who delve into related disciplines in the search and solving complex clinical problems, which allow to update knowledge, skills, skills, and will help to acquire dental and medical training programs and improve the skills of future students. Implementation of imaging techniques in medical universities that will improve the quality of medical education and address the state of problem learning if it arose in a student. When considering the classification of rendering methods, you can distinguish a number of situations that require the use of images or illustrations: 1) objects that cannot be seen in their true form (processes in organs and tissues, crystalline lattice of various salts, etc.); 2) the need to fix and show the positions of the individual elements of the object relative to each other at individual moments (during biochemical processes in the cell, the transition of electrons from one energy level to another); 3) the need to visually represent interrelated quantities (chemical, mathematical formulas); 4) simplification of complex objects and demonstration of the principle of action (schematic representation of various pathological and physiological processes, rearrangement of atoms in a molecule, etc.). With the introduction of imaging techniques in medical schools, these techniques show that medical information can be provided for training in different forms. This comprehensive approach allows students to distinguish information provided by sign and symbol form (formulas, chemical elements, numbers, punctuation marks, etc.), graphic form (graphs, tables, diagrams, drawings, photographs) and by real objects (books, layouts). , appliances, models, etc.). When choosing methods of teaching the teacher should take into account general conditions, such as patterns and principles of learning, its goals and objectives, content and methods of the subject, topics; educational opportunities of students (age, level of readiness, features of the student group); external conditions; opportunities for teachers (experience, level of readiness, qualification, knowledge of typical situations of the learning process). In addition, the choice of teaching methods, the teacher should also take into account: – the presence or absence of motivation students to study; – the content of the material under study, its volume and degree of complexity; – the degree of capacity and ability to study students; – formation of general educational skills; – time frames of the learning process; – methods used in previous classes; – specific material and technical conditions of study; the typology of the planned lesson; – the level of their professional skills and preparedness. Thus, properly chosen by the teacher teaching methods allow you to design an interesting educational lesson that ensures the achievement of the set didactic goals, educational and developmental tasks, the formation of the necessary knowledge and skills of students. On the basis of this approach to specialized subjects, students gain creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, skills and development of clinical and professional mental abilities. In teaching a lesson based on the use of knowledge visualization tools, great attention is paid to the work of scientists from different countries. Methodical development of visualization processes and application in the educational process are devoted to the dissertations of Ukrainian and Russian researchers. Great importance in the introduction of visual information was emphasized by American scientists in the 60’s of the twentieth century. The application of imaging techniques in medical schools can be a major criterion in problem solving. The introduction of imaging methods can solve one of the factors of problematic learning, in addition to mastering the basics of science, is the process of obtaining professional knowledge at different stages of education in higher medical institutions, as well as the development of cognitive and creative abilities among students. Visualization methods during training make it possible to realize a better assimilation of the material by a special group of methods, when creating situational tasks by the teacher. This enables students to make their own decisions when solving educational problems, which is a major prerequisite for developing their clinical thinking. Conclusions. We have examined the content and essence of the concept of “visualization”, the place of the means of visualization of knowledge in the system of educational means, have carried out the classification of the means of visualization of knowledge on the basis of some classification features. Prospects for further research. The implementation of visualization processes enables students to absorb learning material at a higher level, thereby developing the ability to learn in the future as specialists. And expand your professional outlook.
visualization methods, problematic learning, teaching method, medicine, teacher, clinical thinking.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 188-190 pages, index UDK 378.001.1