About the author:
Vasylechko M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the work is to study the effectiveness of using interactive teaching methods and practical skills in the educational process, which will help improve the quality of training for students of the dental faculty at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Dentistry Faculty named after Professor M.N. Berezhnitsky. The factors of personal medical student development are the acquisition of higher education, as well as the professional formation of a future doctor. The end result of a professional becoming a doctor is his professionalism, which is a component of his absolute psychological readiness to perform his duties effectively. The introduction into clinical practice of a large number of drugs, the need to determine their effectiveness and safety necessitates a unified approach to the study system of their pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, interaction and side effects in patients. Teaching clinical pharmacology is the most optimal on clinical therapeutic bases, taking into account the etiology of the disease, the main pathogenetic links of its formation, the clinical picture of the disease course, the corresponding drugs with a comparative analysis of them and the choice of the desired. This approach will help to make the training of the specialist really personal-oriented, since it activates the processes of self-knowledge and self-realization, optimizes the activity and emphasizes the competence of the specialist as the main value motive of training. It is from such positions at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Dentistry Faculty named after Professor M.N. Berezhnitsky Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University organizes the educational process in the 4th year of the dental faculty. Measures are taken that not only help to obtain basic general training, but also to acquire the skills necessary for the practical and research work of the future dentist. According to the curriculum of the discipline «Clinical Pharmacology» are studied the main provisions of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, clinical and pharmacological characteristics of anti-anginal, anti-ischemic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergic, anesthetics drugs, agents that affect on vascular tone and blood clotting and are often used in dental practice and contribute to the future professional development of a medical student. The future dentist needs knowledge and understanding of human-drug interaction processes. Based on the study of the effectiveness of using interactive teaching methods and the development of practical skills in clinical pharmacology in the educational process in the fourth year of study on the Dentistry Faculty of the foreign citizens under the medical education reform demonstrate, that only a comprehensive approach to the study of clinical pharmacology with the assimilation of modern theoretical material, the development of practical skills at the patient’s bedside, and by solving situational problems, self-awareness of classroom and extracurricular work allows students to explore clinical pharmacology in accordance with the modern requirements of medical reform. The knowledge acquired at the department about pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, interaction and side effects of drugs, effectiveness, safety of prescribed drugs and acquired practical skills contribute to the development of professionalism of a future specialist.
medical education, clinical pharmacology, interactive teaching methods
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 191-194 pages, index UDK 378.147+614.253.4+615.1