About the author:
Yarmoshuk I. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The role of research work in the preparation of dentist interns is highlighted in the article. The introduction of international standards of medical education in Ukraine is intended to pay attention not only to the training of highly qualified professionals, but also to improve the skills and abilities of existing specialists, as well as to bring the standards of medical education to international requirements by effectively utilizing the material and technical and scientific potential of the industry. Medical education, according to the standards of the World Federation of Medical Education, has three consecutive stages, which are interconnected. Each successive stage builds on the previous one and provides a higher level of previous physician training. The ability to research, analytical thinking, creativity is different, this is due, in particular, to the level of training, personal characteristics and more. The task of the teacher is to create the conditions for the creative activity of each internal dentist. The result of the research work can be clinical research data, description of clinical cases, familiarization with the latest technologies, treatment methods, etc. The results of such work are reported by interns at scientific and practical conferences held at a higher educational institution. The best scientific and practical works of dentists-interns-dentists are sent to the inter-university conference of young scientists and students. The job of the teacher is to unlock the potential of each dentist by prompting him or her to perform independent analytical work in various available forms and types. The most profound results are demonstrated by dental practitioners who have been engaged in scientific and practical work continuously during their undergraduate studies. Therefore, research is one of the most important means of improving the quality of training and education of specialists who, after graduation, can independently solve serious scientific and practical problems.
doctors-іnterns-stomatologists, improvement of studies, scientific research work
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 205-207 pages, index UDK 378.147+616.314