About the author:
Zavhorodnia V. A., Vitko S. M., Shesterina D. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The level of СО2 plays a key role adjusting of cerebral blood stream. Therefore, hypocapnic effects are widely studied to determine cerebrovascular reactivity in hyperventilation. However, studies on the individual features of such changes are scarce. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to investigate the individual features of the functioning of the state of cerebral hemodynamics during regular breathing at a rate of 30 cycles per minute in healthy young men. The registration of rheoencephalograms was performed on the xiarograph of the KhAI-medic standard (KhAI-medica, Kharkiv, Ukraine) in the front-mastoid assignment in 78 men aged 18-22 years. Under the influence of hypocapnia breathing, an increase in the tone of the arterial vessels and a decrease in blood flow in the carotid pool of the brain were observed. The hyperventilation test provokes the appearance of hemispheric asymmetry, especially of the tone of the arteries. During the test and during the 40-minute recovery period, significant individual features of cerebral circulation reactions were observed. Among subjects with different baseline levels of PetCO2 , it was found that individuals with high levels of hypocapnia had higher levels of blood filling and lower tone of cerebral vessels. Certain differences between the groups in the circulation of the right and left hemispheres occur only with hyperventilation. The difference in the reactivity of cerebral hemodynamics between groups was observed only during the recovery period after hypocapnia. In individuals with different baseline autonomic tone levels, higher blood levels and lower vascular tone were observed in normotonic patients at rest, during hyperventilation, and within 40 minutes of recovery. Therefore, changes in cerebral blood flow during breathing hypocapnia and during recovery thereafter depend on baseline PetCO2 and autonomic tone. Taking into account the individual-typological differences of men can increase the diagnostic value of the methods of analysis and evaluation of cerebral blood flow, as well as identify new directions in preventive medicine.
cerebral blood flow, vegetative tone, PetCO2 , hyperventilation, hypocapnia.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 380-385 pages, index UDK 612.1+612.223.11