About the author:
Orlyk N. A., Bosenko A. I., Topchii M. S., Dyshel G. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Modern scientists define physical development as a natural biological process of changing the forms and functions of the human body, which occurs throughout the life and is caused by internal factors, the natural environment and social conditions. Currently, the health level of the population in Ukraine is extremely low. It directly depends on the lifestyle of the population, namely, its level, quality, pattern of behavior and structure. Most modern scientists are tend to believe that the lack of physical activity and limited possibilities to engage in physical activity and sports negatively affect the physical development, health and physical parameters of children, youth and the older generation. Therefore, the study of characteristic features of the physical development in student youth is relevant and does not lose its practical value. The aim of the study was to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the physical development in students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Rehabilitation (ESIPCSR) of K. D. Ushynskyi University and to analyze the findings obtained in terms of current data regarding the physical development of young people aged 17-21 years studying at higher education institutions. Object and research methods. The comprehensive study included 466 I-IV year students, among which 133 − the first-year students, 149 − the second-year students, 109 − the third-year students and 75 − the fourth-year students. Anthropometric examination included measuring the length and weight of the body, as well as the chest circumference at rest, on inhalation and exhalation. The dynamics of physical development was evaluated according to mass, dynamic and vital indicators. The data obtained were processed with descriptive methods of statistical analysis. Results and discussion. The study determined that the physical development of the examined students according to the average group data corresponded to the regional and normative values for the age and gender groups. Considering the individual and constitutional proportions, the dolichomorphic body type was characteristic of 7% first-year students, but in the second year of study, their body weight and chest circumference increased. According to the body mass index, there was a general tendency towards harmonious physical development. The study revealed that with age, the body structure of young men became more proportional, the number of students with underdeveloped chest decreased (Erisman index). The data of the life index calculation indicated that with age, all the examined students had a tendency to decrease the life index value, which was caused by the increase in body weight and the decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs. This led to the general decrease in the reserve of external respiration functions. The assessment of the power index determined that the level of muscle development in young men was at the low and low average levels. This trend indicated the decrease in the reserve function of the muscular system. Conclusions. While conducting investigation, we determine the positive dynamics of body weight and chest circumference of the examined students, as well as the functional deterioration of the external respiration and the decrease in the level of muscular system development in young men of the Department of Physical Education of I-IV training courses.
students, physical development, anthropophysiometric parameters, mass-height index.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 386-391 pages, index UDK 612.01[-057.875-026]