Nefodova O. O., Yanushkevych K. S., Kushnaryova K. A., Kolosova I. I., Velykodna-Tanasiychuk O. V., Adegova L. Y.


About the author:

Nefodova O. O., Yanushkevych K. S., Kushnaryova K. A., Kolosova I. I., Velykodna-Tanasiychuk O. V., Adegova L. Y.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The important scientific problem of modern science is the issue of abilities and mechanisms of regulating the public health by influencing the environment, which contamination has become a global, stable and permanent factor, regardless today’s development of science and technology. Some heavy metals, particularly lead and cadmium, are considered to be the main pollutants. They are mentioned in the «List of Controlled Toxic Substances» of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). One of the main “targets” of Pb/ Cd-induced toxicity is liver tissue. The central chain in the direct hepatotoxic effects of lead and cadmium is the activation of lipoperoxidation processes with a simultaneous activity decrease of antioxidant enzymes, accompanied by changes in biochemical profile – increased levels of total bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and alkaline phosphatase. In addition, these toxicants compete with essential metals (zinc, selenium, copper), displacing them from metal-containing complexes, cause metabolic disorders, inhibition of energy generation by mitochondria and reduce the energy potential of cells. They also impact DNA repair systems and intercellular adhesion. Pathomorphological evidence of Pb/Cd-induced hepatocellular injury is considered to be general hydropic and local balloon dystrophy of hepatocytes, development of monocellular foci of necrobiosis and necrosis of liver cells with reactive infiltration with lymphocytes and macrophages, development of periportal fibrosis and vacuolar degeneration, inequitable dilation of the sinusoids and a significant increase in their bulk density. A promising area for the correction of Pb/Cd-induced hepatotoxicity is the search and use of biological antagonists of cadmium and lead, which cause activation of the antioxidant defense system and reduce the generation of reactive oxygen species, compete with toxicants for the system of ion transporters, and also promote direct and indirect induction of metallothioneins. The use of biometals (zinc, iron, magnesium) prevents, reduces or completely eliminates the Pb/ Cd-induced specific and nonspecific effects on the organ, cellular and molecular levels.


environment, cadmium, lead, hepatotoxicity, ROS, metallothioneins, biometals


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 39-44 pages, index UDK 616.36-002:546.81+546.48:612.354]-036-091.8-092.18