Torianyk I. I.


About the author:

Torianyk I. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The pathogenetic effect of babesiosis pathogens debuts with a delay in the lymph nodes. Thus, the study of structural changes in the latter on natural prototype has a scientific value. The research is aimed at specification the role of structural and functional changes in regional lymph nodes and their vessels in the pathogenesis of babesiosis. For this purpose, we carried out the study regarding the structural changes in the regional lymph nodes of dogs with babesiosis postmortem, applying histological methods of examination, which included fixation (12% aqueous formalin solution in phosphate buffer, pH=7.0-7.2), dehydration in graded alcohols (from 30º to absolute), embedding (paraffin / celloidin) followed by eosin and hematoxylin staining of samples according to Van Gieson. While analyzing the data obtained, we used microscope «Olympus BX-41», Japan (x 100; x 200; 400). Verification was performed applying cyto- logical, molecular genetic methods (polymerase chain reaction), as well as biological sampling on animals. In case of autopsy of babesiosis specimen corpses, we diagnosed a small amount of red transudate. The methods applied made it possible to detect pale, icteric serous membranes of internal organs and fiber at the sites of regional lymph nodes localization containing massive punctate hemorrhages. Microvessels were with wall integrity defects in the form of penetration. Paravasal spaces also included hemorrhages. Vessels presented the signs of endothelial desquamation, separation, defects of underlying structures. Lymph nodules lost their characteristic structure, clarity of boundaries, which coordinatively determined the marginal, mantle zones and interfollicular spaces. The last of the survived con- tained numerous, various in size and shape foci of hemorrhages, tended to fuse. Lymph nodes, their vessels (presence of pathogens in erythrocytes, vascular porosity, punctate hemorrhages, dystrophy) become a structural and functional link in the pathogenesis of babesiosis invasion.


structural and functional changes, regional lymph nodes, blood vessels, babesiosis, pathogenesis


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 73-76 pages, index UDK 616.993.19–07:192.66:636.7