Hasanova S. Yu.


About the author:

Hasanova S. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The research was carried out on the basis of materials from two clinics. Cord blood stem cells were obtained from the International Stem Cell Culture Center “Biostem” – Donetsk, Ukraine. The age of the patients was 20-60 years, the diagnosis was a severe form of acute pancreatitis with normalization of the condition after symptomatic and supportive treatment. 20 people were selected. They were divided into two groups: a control group and a study group of 10 people each. In the second group, bone marrow aspiration was performed according to the standard procedure from the iliac crest, since its surface is located at a small distance under the skin. All participants were injected subcutaneously for 5 days as a single daily dose (300 mcg/ml) of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF;), which protects cells from apoptosis. For the control group, laparoscopic sanitation of the abdominal cavity was performed under local anesthesia. Stem cells in the form of a suspension in saline solution were injected at a rate of 1 ml / min (10 ml total). Preliminary analysis by ultrasound and laparoscopic analysis of patients showed an increase in the size of the pancreas, which normally are: head 3-4. 5 cm; body 2.5-3 cm; tail 3-4 cm. As a result of the study, the indicators were more than 5, 3 and 4 cm. The blurring of the contours and the change in echogenicity characteristic of pancreatitis were also found. In some patients, omentobursitis, free fluid and infiltrates in the abdominal cavity were found. Laparoscopic diagnostics showed the presence of abscesses and cysts, in some cases small necrotic zones. After the therapy, there was an improvement in the indicators of UAC and BAC, the positive dynamics was more pronounced in the group of patients after the introduction of MMSC. Ultrasound analysis 12 hours after sanation or MMSC injection did not show a clear reduction in the size of the pancreas, but an improvement in the echogenicity and contours of the organ was revealed. Laparoscopic diagnosis revealed a clear reduction in abscesses and cysts in the second group compared to the control group. Thus, MMSCs can reduce the expression of various inflammatory factors, suppress autoimmune reactions, and promote the regeneration of various tissues/organs.


stem cells, pancreatitis, laparoscopic administration.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 85-88 pages, index UDK 612.014