Taran I. V., Voloshchuk N. I., Grebeniuk D. I., Lozinska M. S., Nazarchuk O. A.


About the author:

Taran I. V., Voloshchuk N. I., Grebeniuk D. I., Lozinska M. S., Nazarchuk O. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The widespread use of antibiotics and the associated antibiotic resistance has led to the search for ways to modulate their effects. One such endogenous modulator is hydrogen sulfide. The aim of the study was to evaluate changes in clindamycin toxicity under normal and elevated levels of hydrogen sulfide in the body. The experimental study was performed on 104 adult white female rats that were divided into groups: group 1 (control); group 2 (clindamycin intravaginally); group 3 (clindamycin intravaginally on the background of excess background hydrogen sulfide); group 4 (clindamycin orally); group 5 (clindamycin orally on the background of excess background hydrogen sulfide). Acute toxicity of tested substances and their combinations was determined by the express method of T.V. Pastushenko. In addition, the internal organs were weighed and their mass coefficients were determined. The results of the study showed no toxic effects of clindamycin phosphate in groups 2 and 3. In contrast, in group 4 animals, the initial signs of toxic effects were observed at a dose of 1510 mg/kg. In group 5, this figure was 1910 mg/kg (higher by 23.1% compared with group 4). It was found that a single administration of the maximum possible dose of antibiotic intravaginally leads to minor changes in the mass ratio of internal organs, regardless of the background level of hydrogen sulfide. When administered orally, we recorded an increase in liver mass ratio by 26.8%, as well as an increase in this indicator in kidneys and thymus by 10.1% and 23.3%, respectively. Additional administration of hydrogen sulfide to rats eliminated the difference in weight organs and returned it to the range of statistical error.Thus, the artificially created excess of hydrogen sulfide in the body of experimental rats can reduce the acute toxicity of clindamycin phosphate.


clindamycin phosphate, hydrogen sulfide, LD50, rats, toxicity.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 132-135 pages, index UDK 577.18+546.221.1+615.099.092