Shepitko V. I., Boruta N. V., Stetsuk E. V., Yakushko O. S., Vilkhova O. V., Pelipenko L. B., Skotarenko T. A., Rud M. V


About the author:

Shepitko V. I., Boruta N. V., Stetsuk E. V., Yakushko O. S., Vilkhova O. V., Pelipenko L. B., Skotarenko T. A., Rud M. V



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The aim of our study was to find the effectiveness of the algorithm for teaching the subject of histology, cytology and embryology in distance learning. As a main form to teach the discipline using video conferencing, which was organized via the Zoom platform was chosen as well as homework for students, by using the web resource Google Classroom. To identify the level of students training in the discipline, a database of test tasks for the Google Classroom resource was used, which contains 40 questions on each topic, with different degrees of complexity and evaluation. Analyzing the achievement of 1st year students of the Faculty of Dentistry from Module 1 in 2019-2020 academic year, we obtained the following results: 7% (9 students) had an average score of 4.5-5.0, which meets the criterion of knowledge acquisition “excellent “, 16% (21 students) – 4.0-4.45 and 48% (63 students) – 3.5-3.95, which meets the criterion of knowledge acquisition” good “, 29% (38 students) had an average score in the range of 3.0-3.45, which corresponds to a satisfactory acquisition of knowledge. The average grade point of the 1st year students of the Faculty of Dentistry from Module 1 in the 2019-2020 academic year was 3.69. It should be noted that students mostly have mastered the material well and had an achievement rate of 3.5- 3.95 and above the average level – 4.0-4.45. 1st year students of the Faculty of Dentistry from Module 1 in 2020-2021 academic year had the following results: 7% (8 students) – 4.5-5.0; 12% (13 students) – 4.0-4.45; 50% (54 students) – 3.5-3.95; 31% (34 students) – 3.0-3.45. The average grade point of students for the 1st year of the Faculty of Dentistry from Module 1 in the 2020-2021 academic year was 3.47. The majority of students – 50% mastered the study material within the score of 3.5-3.95. Comparing the results of students who studied in the classroom and by distance learning form, it should be noted that the use of distance learning did not significantly affect the quality of knowledge and learning, and some decrease in the average score is only a trend. Using a convenient time and the opportunity to study at the place of residence resulted in the lack of missed classes


higher education, students, histology, cytology and embryology, distance learning.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 170-172 pages, index UDK 378:611.013+611.018/.1