Sahan N. T., Zayats L. M., Zhurakivska O. Ya., Antymys O. V., Miskiv V. A., Melnyk Ya. I.


About the author:

Sahan N. T., Zayats L. M., Zhurakivska O. Ya., Antymys O. V., Miskiv V. A., Melnyk Ya. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. In the dynamics of hypothyroidism, when the content of T3, T4 in the blood of animals of both ages on day 14 was 85% and 97% (T3) of control indicators and 50% and 48% (T4), respectively, and up to 28 days the T4 content remains low up to 71% and 64%, respectively, in all parts of the blood vessels of the lateral pterygoid muscle, the changes deepen: the lumen of the arterial segments narrows, the venous lumen expands, dystrophic and edematous processes occur. On the 28th day, the peak of decrease in the number of hemocapillaries per unit area was recorded (in immature – 13.69% (p<0.0001), in adults – by 9.33% (p<0.001)). In hypothyroidism, swelling and vacuolation of the endomysium and perimysia in the lateral pterygoid muscle are detected. Due to edematousdystrophic changes, the cross-sectional diameter of all types of muscle fibers increases, especially fibers with highsuccinate dehydrogenase activity in non-sexually and sexually mature animals (on day 14 in immature animals, the cross-sectional diameter in these fibers increased 1.01 times (p <0.05), in adults – 1.02 times (p <0.05), for 21 days – 1.02 (p<0.05) and 1.03 times (p<0.05), respectively for 28 days – 1.25 (p<0.01) and 1.04 times (p<0.01), respectively). At the same time there is a tendency to decrease muscle fibers with intermediate activity of succinate dehydrogenase (in immature animals on the 14th day in the lateral pterygoid this figure was 87%, on the 21st day – 84%, respectively, on the 28th day – 79%; in mature – 90 %, 87%, 83%, respectively).Instead, the proportion of muscle fibers with low succinate dehydrogenase activity increased (in immature adults on the 14th day their number increased 2.13 times, on the 21st day – 2.39 (p<0.05) times, on the 28th day – 2 times 86 (p<0.01) times, in adults on the 14th day their number decreased by 1.43 times, on the 21st day – by 1.57 times, on the 28th day – by 1.71 times). We also observed ultramicroscopic changes in muscle fibers, which were manifested by loss of transverse striation, destruction of mitochondrial structure, expansion of muscle triads and structural components of the Golgi apparatus, especially in immature animals.


pterygoid muscle, muscle fibers with high succinate dehydrogenase activity, muscle fibers with moderate succinate dehydrogenase activity, muscle fibers with low succinate dehydrogenase activity, experimental hypotheses.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 242-245 pages, index UDK 616.742+616-092.9+616.441-008.64