Hirna H. A., Kostyshyn I. D., Rozhko M. M., Kostyshyn А. В., Miklashevska O. A.


About the author:

Hirna H. A., Kostyshyn I. D., Rozhko M. M., Kostyshyn А. В., Miklashevska O. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. It is known that the drug Propesum has antitumor efficacy, which has been studied in patients with breast cancer and malignant lymphoma. It increases the number of T-lymphocytes, enhances the cytotoxic effect of macrophages against tumor cells. We first studied its effectiveness in patients with cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx. Observations of tumor and lymph node regression of 80 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and oropharynx, which formed 4 groups. I (RT- Propesum) – 25 patients who received radiation therapy and immunotherapy with Propesum; II (second gr.) (Ch/RT-Propesum) – 20 patients who received chemotherapy and immunotherapy; III (RT) – 20 patients who received only radiation therapy; IV (Ch/RT) – 15 patients treated with radiation and chemotherapy without immunotherapy. The article covers the regression of the tumor and lymph nodes in the middle of treatment, at the end and before the beginning of the 2-nd stage of special treatment (3-4 weeks after the 1-st stage). Data were compared with baseline and between groups of patients. At 20 Gy, high rates of tumor regression were in patients of group I who received radiation therapy and immunotherapy with Propesum, with average regression data of 27.6%±2.39. Also in group II patients, chemotherapy with immunotherapy had the best regression data and amounted to 28.25±2.39%. Assessment of tumor regression at the end of treatment showed that the worst results were in group III (without immunotherapy), and the most effective treatment was the use of Propesum in patients of groups I and II with average tumor regression 51.0±3.82% and 48.52±3.0%, respectively, and in groups III, IV 35.79%±3.45 and 43.75%±3.55. The indicators of group IV were satisfactory, but not the same as in group II. High rates of tumor regression, more than 80% before the 2-nd stage of treatment were highest in the group receiving immunotherapy – group I. Also in this group the best average rate of tumor regression is 74.05%±4.32. The worst regression rates were in group III, where immunotherapy was not used, but slightly compared with group IV. The average rate of tumor regression in group III was 54.12%±5.22. Comparing groups I and III, in the latter lower treatment outcomes, fewer patients with high regression at the end of treatment and before the start of the 2-nd stage. 48% of patients in group I had high rates of tumor regression – more than 80%. 70% of patients in group II had a regression of more than 50% against 66% of patients in group IV, but in groups II and IV there were fewer patients with very high (80-100%) regression rates. In group III, 60% of patients had tumor regression of more than 50%. For half of the treatment, lymph node regression rates were insignificant, but better in patients of group II and then group IV. Most often, patients showed regression of lymph nodes at the end of the 1-st stage of treatment in the range of 30-40% and the highest rates of reduction of regional metastases were in groups II and IV, and the lowest – in group III. Therefore, the direct results of monitoring the regression of the tumor and metastatic lymph nodes of patients with cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx, who received immunotherapy with Propesum, showed its antitumor effect and improved effectiveness of special treatment.


cancer, oral cavity, oropharynx, immunotherapy, regression.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 287-294 pages, index UDK 616-006.6+616.31+615.37+615.28+615.277.3