Kostenko S. B.


About the author:

Kostenko S. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The our research presents the principle of targeted preparation of teeth for orthopedic structures in order to reduce the impact of iatrogenic interventions in the treatment of dental patients. It was analyzed that biological and individual-specific orientation are decisive for all types of minimally invasive treatment including orthopedic. The concepts of the target preparation space and the restoration space are complementary but not focused on the prognostic assessment of the tooth condition as a support of the orthopedic structure in the long run. Study Goal. To improve the principle of the target space preparation and restoration in the preparation of teeth for orthopedic structures. Materials and methods of research. The indicators of actual and restorative reduction of tooth hard tissues and levels of relative risk of complications are studied the vector of restoration volume is calculated. Results of the research. A comparative levels analysis of absolute and relative reduction of tooth hard tissues during tooth preparation for different types of orthopedic structures according to classical and minimally invasive protocols. The larger volume preservation of hard tissues of enamel and dentin reducing the levels of relative risk associated complications when using a minimally invasive approach to preparation using the concept of the target space. Conclusion. The proposed modified concept of visual relative target space preparation and restoration corresponding to the basic principles of minimally invasive dental treatment and helps to change the technical orientation of minimally invasive training for biological orientation to take into account aspects of intellectual individual therapy.


orthopedic constructions, minimally invasive preparation, iatrogenic interventions, target preparation space, reduction of tooth hard tissues.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (160), 2021 year, 307-311 pages, index UDK 616.314-08