About the author:
Sukhonos O. S., Nikiforov O. A., Avramenko N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Purpose – analysis of scientific literature describing the role of genetic factors in violation of reproductive function in men. Results. The article analyzes the data of scientific literature on the role of genetic factors in the violation of reproductive function in men and describes modern diagnostic methods for revealing the genetic causes of male infertility. Literary data indicate a great interest in the study of the reproductive health of men. Genetic studies of recent years show that a significant part of reproductive disorders in men is due to genetic factors and, in particular, chromosomal abnormalities. In connection with this, the cytogenetic and molecular-genetic examination of patients with a violation of the reproductive function is of great importance. According to the literature, there are the main genetic factors of male infertility: chromosomal aberrations, mutations (at the level of the gene or group of genes), DNA damage of the sperm itself. Among the genes directly involved in the process of spermatogenesis, several major groups can be identified. The first group includes genes involved in the development of the male reproductive system and in the sexual differentiation. The second group includes genes that provide endocrine regulation. The third group consists of genes involved in the process of spermatogenesis. Conclusions. Analyzed the data on the role of genetic factors in the violation of reproductive function in men and examined modern methods that can be used to diagnose male infertility. The use of modern molecular-cytogenetic and molecular genetic methods in diagnostics significantly increases the frequency of detection of reproductive disorders in men of a genetic nature and will influence the choice of the most successful method of treating male infertility. Literary data allow us to determine the informative nature of the causes of impaired fertility in men, and also to reduce the group of so-called idiopathic infertility.
violation of reproductive function, karyotype, chromosomal abnormalities, cytogenetic diagnostics, molecular genetic studies.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 65-71 pages, index UDK 616.699-07:577.2.088.7