About the author:
Kuyun L. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Objective: to study differences and dysfunctions in systemic and local immune responses in COPD patients; develop a specific method for prophylaxis and treatment of this disease. Methods and materials. Materials used in the research were obtained from 50 COPD patients during the exacerbation stage. There were 48 healthy individuals in the control group. Analysis of the serum levels of immunoglobulins (Ig) A, M, and G was conducted using an immunoturbidimetric method. The population and subpopulations of the immune cells were identified using an immunofluorescence flow cytometry method. The same method was used to evaluate phagocytic activity of monocytes in the peripheral blood. The data obtained during the research was statistically processed. Results and their discussion. Analysis of materials taken from 50 COPD patients during the exacerbation stage showed changes in content of their immune cells in the peripheral blood compared to the data obtained from the specimens taken from 48 people in the control group. A significant increase of the percentage ratio was observed in CD3+ CD8+ (Т cytotoxic lymphocytes) and СD3+ CD8+ HLA-DR active Т cytotoxic lymphocytes in COPD patients compared to the ratio of these subpopulations in the control group, p<0,001. The number of NK cells in patients decreased significantly compared to the data obtained from the control group, p<0,001. The author’s immunohistochemical study of morphological changes in terminal bronchioles in COPD patients showed high numbers of goblet cells, small clusters of lung macrophages and relatively small peribronchial fibrosis. The immunohistochemical analysis of the immune cells in the peripheral blood of COPD patients was somewhat different from that obtained from the morphological analysis of lung tissue in terminal bronchioles. Chronic inflammation during COPD at the local level is realized through intensive migration of CD3+ Т-lymphocytes, Т-helpers CD3+ CD4 + and cytotoxic CD3+ CD8+ Т-cells into the wall of its own plate of terminal bronchioles. Alveolar macrophages in COPD patients are characterized by a phagocytosis defect, which leads to multiple exacerbations in patients with COPD. Immunoglobulin A serum levels increased significantly in COPD patients when compared to the control group, p<0,001.
COPD, analysis of peripheral blood cells, local and systemic immune response, alveolar and interstitial macrophages, blood monocytes.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 144-147 pages, index UDK 616.24-007.271-036.12-097