About the author:
Habchuk V., Rozhko M., Oliynyk R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The essence of the X-ray diagnosis of carious lesions based on the change in the mineral composition of the hard tissues of the tooth, which reduce the attenuation of X-ray radiation that passes through the tooth. For clinical practice, it is expedient to develop such algorithms of X-ray images graphic analysis that would be based on widely available basic functions of digital image viewers, and could be used in the initial evaluation of X-ray diagnostic results directly by a dentist. Objective. Determine the effect of images post-processing during the analysis of digital orthopantograms on the effectiveness of intracoronary dentine defects diagnosis. Object and methods. For the purpose of the study, premolars that were removed for orthodontic indications without signs of carious lesions were used. The teeth were prepared from the occlusive side to a depth of 2-3 mm below the level of the enameldentine connection. Subsequently, the area of defect up to the boundary of the connection was filled with cotton, and the remaining defect within the enamel was filled with a flow-composite Filtek Ultimate Flow (3M). Then teeth were positioned in the wax dental typodont one sample in each segment, and procedure of orthopantomography was performed (Planmeca ProMax 3D Classic). The received digital images were subjected to the stage of correction by contrast and sharpness parameters. Results. After the substraction of the field of interest and the correction of the contrast and sharpness of the image, the average sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic method was 77,84% and 79,45% respectively, while the accuracy of the method reached 91,44%. The difference between these indices was statistically significant in comparison with the results obtained during the analysis of orthopantomograms that were not passed through the post-processing procedure (p≤0,05). At the same time, the statistically confirmed difference between the data obtained in cases of contrast correction and contrast correction, along with the correction of the indicators of image sharpness, could not be detected (p≥0,05). Conclusions. As a result of the study of the effectiveness during the use of different approaches to the graphic processing of digital radiographs, it was established that post-processing of X-ray images in the conditions of experimental simulation of intracoronal dentin defects contributes to an increase in the specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of such algorithms for diagnostic analysis. Correction of indicators of contrast and sharpness of X-ray images helps to optimize the diagnosis of carious cavities using X-ray methods compared to the diagnostic approaches that involve the analysis of digital X-ray without the implementation of the post-processing stage of graphic images.
X-ray diagnosis, carious lesions, images post-processing, intracoronary dentine defects, diagnostic analysis.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 337-340 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-053.4/6