About the author:
Cherepiuk O. M
Type of article:
Scentific article
According to WHO, tooth decay remains a serious problem in most developed countries, affecting 60-90% of schoolchildren and most of the adult population and causing a decrease in their dental health. Saliva plays an important role in protecting tooth from caries. It is the main source of calcium for the enamel of the tooth, phosphorus and other mineral elements, affects the physical and chemical properties of enamel of the tooth, including resistance to tooth decay. These specific properties and functions of saliva can be explained by the fact that it is a colloidal system and has a micellar structure. High variability of calcium and phosphate in saliva can affect the intensity of mineralization and remineralization processes in the oral cavity, individual resistance to caries. An important factor is the constant level of secretion of calcium and phosphate under the influence of various factors during the day, which is extremely important for the maintenance of homeostasis of dental tissues, by constant concentration of the basic mineral components necessary for physico-chemical processes in enamel. However, available in the literature data on the biochemical composition of oral fluid in young children are controversial. This article presents the results of changes in the biochemical parameters of oral fluid in children with caries of temporary teeth under the influence of complex therapeutic and prophylactic measures. The purpose of this study is to increase the effectiveness of prevention of caries of temporary teeth in children with the help of differentiated, depending on the level of intensity of caries of teeth, a complex of endogenous and exogenous measures. The dental examination of 200 children 3 years old with dental caries, without general-somatic pathology, from the “First Swallow”, “Malyatko” and “Kalinonka” schools in Ivano-Frankivsk was carried out. The children were divided into 2 groups: the main number was 120 children and control, which numbered 80 children. All children were given a definition of dental status using the WHO method, as well as biochemical studies of oral fluid. The level of intensity of caries of temporary teeth was determined by the method of N.V. Bidenko The sets of SIMKO Ltd were used for photocolorimetric determination of the concentration of total calcium (Ca) and inorganic phosphorus (P) in the oral liquid, and the level of magnesium (Mg) was determined by the Kunkel-Pearson-Shgegert method using the “Magnesium set for” by the company “ HUMAN “and expressed in mmol/l. The obtained results were recorded in specially designed survey maps. For children of major groups, prevention of dental caries was carried out according to the scheme developed by us. The high efficiency of the recommended denture caries prevention scheme is established, which is confirmed by the positive dynamics of biochemical parameters in children’s oral fluid after 6 months of observation. There was a decrease in the content of total calcium by 16.3%, an increase in the level of inorganic phosphorus by 5%, and magnesium by 19% in the oral fluid of the children of the prophylactic groups compared with the control groups.
children, oral fluid, dental caries, biochemical indicators.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 341-345 pages, index UDK 616.31+616.314-002