About the author:
Bilokur D. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The state of bioelectric activity of the cerebral cortex in individuals from the territories of the intensified radioecological control of Sumy region is under investigation. Contamination of large areas with radionuclides due to the Chernobyl accident can be a key factor in the formation of the health state of the Ukrainian population. The effect of small doses of ionizing radiation on the state of the central nervous system of the body of people born and living in contaminated areas, has been studied fragmentarily. The purpose of this research is to establish the indexes of electrical activity of the cerebral cortex in persons from the territories of the intensified radioecological control of the Sumy region. Methods and materials. In the study of the intensity of electrical activity of the cerebral cortex, 80 volunteers (48 women and 32 men) from Shostkinskіy and Yampilskіy districts of the Sumy region took part. When recording EEG active electrodes were located on the international system of 10/20 in 16 standard leads. The study was conducted in accordance with the bioethical norms in compliance with the current legislation of Ukraine. Results. In the study group of men in a state of rest with closed eyes, the indicators of alpha rhythm intensity fluctuate in the range from 5,60 ± 0,91 μV to 23,00 ± 1,28 μV. Zonal alpha-rhythm differences are absent in both hemispheres. The background EEG of the subjects is characterized by the beta-rhythm manifestation in all investigated departments. In general, the intensity varies in the range from 4,5 ± 0,80 μV to 21,63 ± 1,75 μV. The average background values of the intensity of theta and delta rhythms in the volunteers of the study group are within 4,98 ± 0,39 and 2,79 ± 0,46 μV respectively, which does not exceed the level of background activity. Localization of slow-wave activity is located in the frontal-temporal zone, right temporal and parietal areas. In the study group of men in a state of rest with closed eyes the indices of intensity of alpha rhythm range from 5,60 ± 0,91 μV to 23,00 ± 1,28 μV. Zonal alpha-rhythm differences are absent in both hemispheres. In the rest of the study group of women with restrained eyes, the alpha-rhythm intensity varies in the range from 5,90 ± 0,61 μV to 13,00 ± 0,47 μV. Zonal alpha-rhythm differences are absent in both hemispheres. The background EEG of the subjects is characterized by the generalized intensity of beta-rhythm in 83% of cases. In general, the intensity index varies from 4,60 ± 0,77 μV to 21,50 ± 0,89 μV. At the same time, the obtained data of the electroencephalographic examination indicate that 37,5% of men who suffered from chronic effects of small doses of ionizing radiation, have the functional disorders of brain activity. Conclusions. Thus, the indicators of electrical activity of the cerebral cortex in persons from the territories of the intensified radioecological control of the Sumy region, are characterized by functional disorders. There is the formation and development of compensatory mechanisms in response to irradiation with low intensity, which manifests itself in the growth of values of indicators of performance of the central nervous system, attention and short-term memory. Prospects for further research. The obtained results indicate the necessity of carrying out electroencephalographic surveys among the population of intensified radioecological control of our state (and in particular of Sumy region) in order to carry out rehabilitation measures for this category of population
central nervous system, electroencephalographic studies, ionizing radiation, contaminated areas
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 1 (150), 2019 year, 346-349 pages, index UDK 612.825.1