About the author:
Biletskiy O. V., Kursov S. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the investigation was comparatively study the effect of magnesium therapy on daily and weekly survival in patients with extremely severe traumatic trauma (Injury Severity Score 51-75 score), who died in the anesthesia and surgery department in 2016-2018. All this patients, came to the clinic, provided with medical measures, stipulated by the content of the protocols of the MOH of Ukraine Orders. However, the patients in the main group received, as part of the primary fluid resuscitation infusion of 25% hypertensive magnesium sulfate solution in normal saline. The initial dose was 0.30 ± 0.05 ml/kg of 25% magnesium sulfate solution. The application of the technique is justified by accelerating the recovery of circulating blood volume under the influence of osmosis, stabilization under the influence of magnesium heart rate, preventing cell overload with calcium and excessive activation of free radical oxidation reactions. In 2016, 25 patients were included in the main group, and 44 patients in the control group. In 2017, 36 patients were included in the main group and 46 patients in the control group. In 2018, 41 patients were included in the main group and 41 were in the control group. Results of treatment of 233 patients with extremely severe polytrauma, who died. When comparing, no significant differences has found between the mean age of the patients, the average mass, and the average surface area of the body. The statistical analysis annually shows that carrying out magnesium therapy was associated with a significant increase in daily and weekly survival with a very low chance of an accidental event.
polytrauma, Injury Severity Score, survival, mortality, magnesium, magnesium sulfate, fluid resuscitation.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 80-84 pages, index UDK 616-001.3/36-03/08-036.1-036.8-092.4