About the author:
Feleshtynsky Y. P., Shilenko Yu. O., Smishchuk V. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
Taking into consideration spread of HIV in Ukraine, the problem of providing medical and in particular surgical assistance to people who live with this virus is extremely challenging. Efficiency of using VAC-therapy for complex treatment of purulent wounds of HIV-infected patients hasn’t been studied until now. The main objective of this research is to improve the efficiency of treatment of phlegmons and abscesses of HIVinfected patients using complex surgical treatment together with VAC-therapy. Resources and methods. An analysis of complex surgical treatment of abscesses and phlegmons of soft tissues for 128 HIV-infected patients was conducted. Depending on the methodology of treatment of abscesses and phlegmons of soft tissues patients were divided into two equal groups. First one – VAC-therapy, second one – traditional treatment of purulent wounds.Results and discussion. Usage of VAC-therapy for treating purulent wounds of HIV-infected patients allowed to hamper local inflammation and achieve partial granulation of wound surface for 10,2±0,4 days on average. In the case of traditional treatment this period constituted 15,7±0,5 days on average. VAC-therapy made the exudation period 1,5 times shorter and made the average duration of in-patient treatment by 7,1±1,2 days shorter, comparing to the traditional methods of treating purulent wounds. Conclusion. Usage of VAC-therapy in the complex surgical treatment of abscesses and phlegmons of soft tissues for HIV-infected patients significantly improves the results by accelerating phases of wound process, exudation in particular and by accelerating the emergence of granulations by 1,5 times. It also shortens the duration of treatment by 7,1±1,2 days comparing to the traditional methodologies of surgical treatment.
HIV-infected, abscess, phlegmon, VAC.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 201-204 pages, index UDK 617.5-002.3-089.816]:616.98:578.828 ВІЛ