About the author:
Sheiko N. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
It is known that physiological and psychological stress violates vegetative balance, and long autonomous imbalance is associated with a wide range of somatic and mental illnesses. The heart rate variability is a highly informative non-invasive method of studying not only the functional state of the cardiovascular system, but also the integrative regulatory activity of the autonomic nervous system. For the purpose of correction of autonomous disorders, it is promising to use yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) daily for 15 minutes in 1 month, but the duration of the post effect has not yet been studied. The aim: to evaluate the functional state of the autonomic nervous system of young people one month after the 30-day course of breathing gymnastics yoga. The object and methods: the study involved 50 practically healthy young boys aged 18 to 23 years. During the 30 days, the subjects were doing daily respiratory exercises “pranayama” for 15 minutes (3 periods of 5 minutes, during which the subjects performed 5-6 respiratory cycles by the method of diaphragmatic breathing every minute, separated by 3 spontaneous breathing cycles). To evaluate the functional status of the autonomic nervous system indicators of heart rate variability were used, determined using the computer diagnostic complex “CardioLab” (“KhAI-Medika”, Ukraine) on the first day of the course of respiratory gymnastics, on the 30th day and the 60th day, ie 30 days after completion of the course. Results: under the influence of training, the indicators of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system were subjected to significant changes, some of which remained for 1 month after the end of the training. In particular, the SD and TP ratios remained higher in the background by 7,1±2.4 ms and 411±91 ms2 respectively, while the HF and LF indices increased accordingly by 400±68 ms2 and 101±96 ms2 . Sympatho-Vagal Balance (LF/HF) showed a likely dynamics only after the course of respiratory gymnastics. The activation of the parasympathetic link is also evidenced by a significant increase in RMSSD and pNN50, respectively, at 2,1±1,5 ms and 1,7±0,9%, 1 month after the end of the course of yoga breathing gymnastics. Also, in 1 month after completion of the course, the HF% remained higher than the background at 7,7±1,1% and VLF% decreased by 6,9±1,3%. The dynamics of the spectral indices of heart rate variability in the study can be interpreted as the redistribution of regulatory activity of the anxiety disorder between the central and peripheral links of regulation of the cardiac rhythm in favor of the peripheral. Thus, respiratory gymnastics “pranayama” for 15 minutes daily contributes to the harmonization of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system and can be used to correct it. Conclusions. 1. Respiratory gymnastics yoga for 15 minutes contributes to the growth of heart rate variability parameters by suppressing the central link (VLF) of regulation of cardiac rhythm and increased activity of parasympathetic effects (HF), as well as redistribution of regulatory activity of the central nervous system between the central and peripheral parts of the regulation of the heart rate in favor of the peripheral. 2. Changes in heart rate variability indicators are maintained at least a month after the completion of the course of respiratory gymnastics.
respiratory gymnastics, yoga, heart rate variability, autonomic nervous system.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 218-222 pages, index UDK 612.161:612.172:612.216