About the author:
Zhdan V. M., Babanina M. Yu., Kitura Ye. M., Tkachenko M. V., Kyrian O. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The feasibility of introducing interactive methods of training in the cycle “Internal diseases” for interns with the specialty “General practice – family medicine” was studied in the work.The reorganization of the educational process at the university requires the improvement of the methodology of conducting a practical clinical session with the provision of quality methodical and visual means of teaching, the organization of independent clinical work of the listeners, reducing the number of students per teacher, especially in the study of clinical disciplines, etc. The use of simulation technologies as one of the methods of reorganizing the educational process helps to optimize the acquisition of practical skills and increases the interest of family doctors in the profession. The range of techniques combined with the concept of “Simulation Technology” is very wide: this includes a variety of simulators that develop practical skills with a high level of realism, computer and virtual models for improving the algorithms of action with different clinical situations. The study was conducted on the basis of the Chair of Family Medicine and Therapy of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy. The following interactive teaching methods, such as brainstorming, discussion, case study, presentation, role play, virtual patient, were used for internship physicians with the specialty of General Practice – Family Medicine. The use of such interactive technologies as “Virtual Patient” in the professional training of family doctors gives the opportunity to solve problematic situations through effective actions, intuition, training, stimulating selflearning, full disclosure of potential and enhancing personality motivation, developing behavioral skills in critical situations, enriching, activity with new ways of performing, developing professional flexibility and mobility, making the final decision, enjoying the activity itself. The necessity for improvement and optimization of the educational process is dictated by modern requirements for the training of highly qualified, comprehensively developed, erudite medical specialists. The introduction of interactive teaching methods in the teaching process orients the doctor to teamwork, the ability to take into account the point of view of another specialist, promotes the development of communication skills, the formation of intellectual independence and professionalism.
interactive methods, training, inner medicine.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 239-242 pages, index UDK 614.253.1