About the author:
Rymarchuk M. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the study is to analyze the practical, theoretical and methodical aspects of distance learning under the context of Ukraine’s healthcare system reform. Main part. To achieve the greatest results on the postgraduate learning platform, it is necessary to develop new Internet-based teaching methods with the consideration of the classical ones, by using the internet technologies of the 21st century that are successfully implemented in a number of Ukraine’s leading universities. E-learning as a part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) requirements provides quality transformation of the learning environment for e-learning students and learners focusing on helping them to achieve their autonomy and the ability to think critically on the basis of the meaningful approach that is of great importance in the formation of specialists’ professional readiness. Having joined the Bologna process, Ukraine has embarked on a path to reform its higher education system that should improve the competitiveness of Ukrainian graduates on the European labor market. Distance learning is also called “lifelong education”, as most students are adults who have a university degree; however, they need to quickly and efficiently learn new skills and concepts due to professional development or the expansion of the scope of activities. As in the system of postgraduate education distance learning technologies mean that students are important, democratic, and active participants in their own learning, their intrinsic motivation to improve personal and profes-sional qualities increases significantly. Intrinsic motivation becomes the basis for the implementation of continuing professional education for physicians in order to adjust their personal values and important professional qualities. Conclusions. Due to the need for professional development or the expansion of the scope of activities, many healthcare workers require to quickly and efficiently master new professional skills and abilities. E-learning enjoys great popularity among learners due to its economic performance and educational effectiveness. Social function of professional mobility serves as a fundamental factor in ensuring the effectiveness of the learning and cognitive activity of healthcare professionals.
distance learning, professional development, reform, health care.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 247-251 pages, index UDK 378.14:614.23