About the author:
Yarmoshuk I. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Professional life of a doctor involves a constant self-improvement and self-education, as well as collaborative cooperation with other colleagues specialists in the form of communication, consultations, medical meetings, conferences, etc. That is why the obtaining the mentioned above abilities by doctors interns is a very important element of medical education. At the course «Surgical Dentistry» the doctors interns of the intramural cycle of the 2nd year of study, specialty «Dentistry», according to the calendar-thematic plan, study lesions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity in children (7 academic hours of practical training and 2 academic hours of seminar training). It is necessary to note that this section of dentistry is quite complicated for perception and requires the listener to master the material and to perceive the elements of the pathology of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity visually, as they are quited inverse in forms, manifestations, etc. To choose a correct thematic patient for the practical lesson is a rather difficult task. It is necessary to study the manifestations of mucosal diseases of the oral cavity, using photographs from atlases, text book sorown archive of photo-and video-materials of the teacher. For the seminar lesson, the doctors-interns traditionally prepare reports, which should be defended in the class (for the teacher and colleagues); as well as answer the questions asked, that is, to participate in the discussion on a given theme. The seminar lesson is performed according to such a scheme. In the previous practical lesson, the teacher forms cooperative groups or invites interns to form such groups by them selves according to their psychological sympathies as to facilitate the work in the group. Each of them has a task, according to the list of topics of the abstracts of methodological development. In addition to a report in their group, the doctors interns should participate in reports from other groups – to comment, identify err or sandad vision how tore solve them, ask questions, discuss possible alternatives to performance of treatment, and offer the irown treatment methods with justification of their feasibility in this clinical case. Evaluationis carried out according to certain criteria, but the mark is given to the group, and not individually to the person; this allow seach group to allocate points between themselves depending on the contribution to the collaborative work. The results of using the combination of interactive learning technology by the method of cooperative groups and multimedia at the «Pediatric Dentistry» course with 2nd year doctors-interns showed an increase in the level of mastery of the material and motivation to study or revise the material, the tendency to form skills to communicate and work collectively, to formulate correct questions to the colleagues or to make comments to them, to fairly evaluate the work of each other, which in turn promotes the improvement of professional skills through the prism of mutual support. There fore, we considerate expedient to use the combination of multimedia technologies and interactive learning using a method of cooperative groups in the process of training a future highly skilled dentist.
surgical dentistry, multimedia technologies, interactive forms of training, method of cooperative groups.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 254-256 pages, index UDK 378.147+616.314