About the author:
Kosharniy V. V., Pilin E. V., Molchanov R. M., Abdul-Ogli L. V., Demyanenko I. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Knowledge of the mechanisms of microcirculation and features of regional blood flow is necessary to understand the processes of maintaining homeostasis under conditions of action of various nervous and humoral factors and, if necessary, purposefully influence the blood flow in different organs and systems. The prostate of healthy men is characterized by the predominant localization of vessels in the central zone and in the lateral departments of the peripheral zone of the gland. The prostate cancer of prostate cancer patients is characterized by a significant predominance of blood vessels in the tumor site compared to the peripheral area of the prostate gland. In this case, the density of the vascular plexus in the tumor focus in prostate cancer is on average 2 times greater than in the focus of benign hyperplasia. A distinctive feature of vessels of the tumor focus in prostate cancer is their pronounced tortuosity. Lymph nodes are the main homeostatic organs of the body’s internal environment. The status of the regional lymph node is of diagnostic importance also for determining the intensity of malignant growth, since metastasis of the tumor to the regional lymph nodes is the first step in the spread of the tumor of most malignancies. One of the important prognostic factors for tumor metastasis is the status of a sentinel lymph node. Thus, we studied the pathways of prostate drainage, the rate of distribution of matter in tissues, and its accumulation. After the introduction of the contrast agent directly into the prostate, for 7 seconds, it began to spread to the opposite part of the prostate gland for 13 seconds, contrasting blood vessels around the prostate for 50 seconds staining all pelvic organs. After a minute, the contrast agent stained the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity and subsequently the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity. After simulation of prostatitis in the investigated dorsolateral part of the prostate of rats was observed different in severity inflammatory process, hemodynamic disorders. Infiltrates with eosinophilic cells, admixture of lymphocytes and histiocytes were located in the extracellular stroma, tissues in the vas deferens. Productive inflammatory reaction was also observed in paraprostatic tissue. In the blood vessels of the intercinar stroma and paraprostatic tissue were observed signs of stagnation: a sharp expansion of the lumen, the blood vessels, often stasis of erythrocytes. In addition, the acini of part of the prostatic glands were distended, sometimes deformed. With the introduction of a contrast agent after simulation of the inflammatory process of the prostate, the substance spread more rapidly, so the release of contrast agents during inflammation indicates that blood circulation increases, we can see in the timing of the distribution of the substance in adjacent tissues. Conclusions. This technique made it possible to draw conclusions about the main outflow paths not only on blood vessels but also on lymphatic vessels, as evidenced by the accumulation of diagnostic substance in lymph nodes. This is a promising area for the use of intraoperatively diagnostic substances. Particularly important is the ability to visualize and evaluate the status of lymph nodes directly during surgical removal of tumors to detect lymphogenous metastasis in malignant neoplasms without the use of radionuclide isotopes.
prostate, diagnostic substances, regional circulation.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 260-263 pages, index UDK 616.65-006-07:616.428:616-005:616.381-072.1-089.168