About the author:
Yakovenchuk N. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The pathogenesis of disorders in the articular cartilage is considered in unity with the state of the subchondral bone. Researchers are looking at metaloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), which is an important enzyme that breaks down the structural components of the extracellular matrix of subchondral bone tissue and cartilage, and takes a significant part in the induction of degenerative changes in cartilage and bone tissue under conditions of a combination of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. The aim of the study was to study the expression of MMP by cells of the articular cartilage and subchondral bone of the rat knee joint under conditions of modeling osteoporosis and osteoarthritis by ovariectomy and on the clinical material of patients who underwent knee replacement. In the experimental material, more pronounced expression of MMP-1 was recorded in the synovia and fibroblasts of the joint capsule, in the intertrabular cavities of the subchondral bone. In the cells of articular cartilage against the background of ovarion-induced osteoarthrosis, the prevalence of immunopositive chondrocytes. In the narrow surface layer and in the intermediate zone, increased expression of MMP-1. In the cells of the bone spaces destruction of the cells was accompanied by the accumulation of MMP-1 in the reticular tissue. Under conditions of Kellengren stage III-IV arthrosis (patient material), against the background of pronounced degenerative changes in the articular cartilage, only a few cells of calcified articular cartilage expressing MMP-1 were preserved. Based on the immunohistochemical study of MMP-1, it was determined that under conditions of induced arthrosis in rats, MMP-1 expression is observed in chondrocytes of all zones of articular cartilage with an increase in intensity in the surface and intermediate zones. The expression level of MMP-1 is high in the capsule of the joint and the bone spaces of the subchondral bone. In the clinical material of patients, it was revealed that osteoblasts and chondrocytes express MMP-1 in various ratios, which exacerbates the state of in the joint. Using the total semi-quantitative assessment (scores), it was found immunopositivity was 1.7 and 1.9 times greater in articular cartilage chondrocytes compared with subchondral bone tissue osteocytes in clinical material and in experiment, respectively
matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), rats, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis modeling, knee joint, articular cartilage, subchondral bone, joint tissues after arthroplasty
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 319-324 pages, index UDK 616.728.3-002-001-08