About the author:
Pushko O. O., Lytvynenko N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The paper presents a literature review in order to identify modern information and deepen understanding of the problem of ischemic stroke, its hemispheric features, modern screening capabilities, therapeutic and rehabilitation prospects. Cerebral stroke is a «global epidemic» that occupies a leading place in the structure of the causes of disability in the adult population in most countries of the world, and has great medical, social and economic importance. In the clinical presentation of cerebral ischemic hemispheric stroke, focal neurological deficit prevails, as well as cognitive and anxiety-depressive disorders of varying severity, post-stroke fatigue syndrome, etc. Localization of the ischemic focus plays a significant role in the development of cognitive impairment. The analysis of neurocognitive functions has long been a topical subject of study by scientists and practicing physicians. Emergency screening of acute cerebrovascular accident is an important factor in choosing the patient’s treatment strategy. Stroke is a condition requiring emergency medical care and urgent hospitalization. The effectiveness of medical care provision for acute cerebral ischemic stroke at the hospital stage should be ensured by specialists of the multidisciplinary team according to the patient’s specific clinical route, the volume of diagnostic and treatment and rehabilitation measures.These studies are relevant, and the obtained results can be used in the practical activities of the clinician in order to deepen the understanding of the problem, optimize the timely verification of this pathology and use the optimal treatment and rehabilitation tactics.
ischemic stroke, cerebral infarction, acute period, recovery period, screening, hemispheric features, neurorehabilitation.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 30-35 pages, index UDK 616.831-005.1-036.11