About the author:
Shatorna V. F., Garets V. I., Kononova I. I., Halperin O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The work is devoted to the study of morphological bases of disorders of the general course of cardiogenesis and to the establishment of changes in the structures of rat heart chambers in the prenatal and early postnatal period of ontogenesis under the influence of cadmium salts and under conditions of microelement citrate correction. The experimental study was performed on laboratory rats, the morphological material of the study were embryos and embryonic hearts on the 13th and 20th day of gestation and rat hearts on the 10th day of postnatal development. The use of histological, statistical and immunohistochemical methods allowed to study the rates of embryonic mortality and the main changes in the morphogenesis of the chambers of the heart under normal development and under the action of solutions of cadmium chloride/cadmium citrate at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg in isolated and combined cerium (1.3 mg/kg), germanium (0.1 mg/kg), iodine and sulfur composite (0.003 mg/kg). Analysis of the effects of the studied factors on the formation of heart chambers on the 13th day of embryogenesis revealed that cadmium chloride provokes an increase in the thickness of the atria, ventricles and interventricular septum, and the action of cadmium citrate increases the thickness of the atria, however the thickness of ventricles and interventricular septum doesn’t have significant difference with control group. At the end of embryogenesis (20th day), the differences in the studied parameters of the heart were more pronounced, but had different levels in the left and right halves of the heart. The administration of cadmium chloride leads to a significant thickening in the left ventricle 2.1 times and in the right ventricle 1.5 times, the effect of cadmium citrate had the opposite direction and led to a thinning of the ventricular walls. On the 10th day after birth, morphometric studies of the heart showed that despite the cessation of the introduction of cadmium salts after birth in the anatomical structure of the heart there are differences inherent in the changes under the influence of citrate and cadmium chloride in embryos. At all studied terms of development in the groups of combined exposure there was a modifying effect of citrates on the cardiotoxicity of cadmium salts, which was expressed in the restoration of the thickness of the heart chambers, ie the modifying effect of micronutrient citrates on embryotoxicity and cardiotoxicity of cadmium salts was determined. The most pronounced reduction in toxicity was determined in the groups of cadmium salts with cerium citrate. The use of the immunohistochemical marker Ki67 revealed the highest level of increased activity of proliferative processes in the myocardium within the group of isolated introduction of cadmium chloride, which in turn provokes an increase in heart weight and explains the increase in the cardiofetal index.
heart, cardiogenesis, cadmium, cerium citrate, germanium citrate, iodine, sulfur
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 62-65 pages, index UDK 611.12-076:611.013:616-092.9:669.018.674