About the author:
Biriuk V. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Treatment of non-motor symptoms in patients with early stages of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the important component of the complex therapy. The clinical effectiveness of biofeedback trainings in treatment of cognitive and psycho-emotional disorders in the early stages of PD was studied in this research. Object and research methods. A total of 38 patients under I-II PD stages were included in this study (age range, 49-75 years). There were 28 PD patients in the biofeedback group and 10 PD patients in the comparison group. Mean age of all patients was 65,2±1,07 years (65,0±1,3 years in the biofeedback group and 65,8±1,88 in the comparison group). Cognitive functions were assessed using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scale. All the patients were examined with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Starkstein Apathy Scale, Zung Anxiety Rating Scale, Vein Night Sleep Scale, Boston Stress Test on the 1-st day of observation, in the end of the biofeedback course in the basic group and in 10±2 days in the comparison group, and in 30±2 days of observation. Results. There was a significant improvement in cognitive and psycho-emotional status in biofeedback group on the last day of course and in 30±2 days further under conditions of independent daily trainings (р<0,05). A significant difference between the final (at the end of dynamical observation) level of cognitive and certain psycho-emotional disorders (in particular, anxiety, reduced stress resistance, sleep disturbances) of the biofeedback group and comparison group was revealed (р<0,05). However, in contrast to the patients of the biofeedback group, who underwent the course of biofeedback training, statistically significant improvement in the psycho-emotional state of patients in the comparison group during the observation period was not detected. Conclusions. Biofeedback trainings can be considered as an expedient component in the complex treatment of cognitive and psycho-emotional disorders in the early PD stages. Prospects for further researches are to study the treatment of cognitive and psycho-emotional disorders in patients with I-II PD stages through the integrated use of biofeedback and neuroprotective therapies with the antiparkinsonian agents.
Parkinson’s disease, biofeedback, cognitive impairment, psycho-emotional disorders, early stages.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 89-93 pages, index UDK 616.858:[159.942+159.95]]-085.851.8