About the author:
Kovalchuk N. Ye.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article is devoted to the analysis of problems and real situations that arise in first-year students in the study of the discipline «histology, cytology and embryology» in higher medical education institution. The author described the ways to solve problems and optimize the educational process used at the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology of IFNMU. The teaching of the discipline «Histology, Cytology and Embryology» in higher medical education institution should be based on the logical connection of medical-biological, medical-preventive and clinical disciplines. The main difficulty is a large amount of training material and a new system of work. To solve the problem, the staff of the Department developed Working programs and educational and methodological complexes of disciplines. Methodological developments are created according to modern standards of education. They ensure the formation of all competencies provided by the Working program. The next challenge is the insufficient school preparation. To solve this problem, the University organizes full-time and correspondence training courses in specialized subjects. It is proposed to involve students in research activities and pay attention to educational work with students. The category of students for whom these problems become insurmountable is increasing. Teachers are faced with the task of further search for ways to improve the educational process in order to «achieve qualitative changes in the training of students». An integrated, multifaceted and step-by-step approach with extensive use of innovative teaching methods and computer technologies, the application of the principles of interdisciplinary integration will help increase the level of preparation and motivation of students.
pedagogy, discipline, histology, vocational training, students
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 184-187 pages, index UDK 378.147.016:611.018