About the author:
Lisachenko O. D., Yeroshenko G. A., Bilash V. P., Pelipenko L. B., Shevchenko K. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Students of the Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy study morphological sciences, namely histology, cytology, embryology and human anatomy using traditional and distance learning methods that provide solid theoretical knowledge and necessary practical skills by future doctors. The purpose of the work was to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning at the morphological departments of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy. In this difficult period for the whole world, when due to the spread of coronavirus and quarantine, the use of only traditional teaching methods is impossible. In conditions of complete or partial isolation, a combination of different teaching methods is relevant and appropriate. Distance education demonstrates the transition from traditional education to blended or open, distance learning and is not just one of the existing forms of educational services, but one of the mechanisms for implementing profound changes in modern society. Distance education has entered our lives quite actively. Society is ambivalent about this kind of learning, noting the “pros” and “cons”. Some believe that distance learning is the future, others warn of the neglect and destruction of the entire education system. The advantages of distance learning include: - free access to education (if you have the Internet); - the ability to adapt to any situation and student requirements; coverage of a significant audience; - study at a convenient time and in a comfortable environment; - the possibility of combining training with other activities; - use of an individual approach to each student. The main disadvantages of distance learning: - lack of direct contact between teacher and student; - the need for internal motivation for learning; - the problem of identifying the student’s identity; - insufficient level of ownership of modern distance learning platforms; - lack of social interaction, so learning becomes more individual. The spread of COVID-19 leads to significant changes in all spheres of life, namely health care, the pharmaceutical industry, and the education system. Under conditions of quarantine, with limited communication between teachers and students, each higher education institution must determine how to organize the educational process, which platforms and tools to use and which forms, in addition to distance, to implement. All actions should be aimed not only at preserving the quality of education and providing solid knowledge, but also at ensuring safe learning and preserving the health and life of both parties to the educational process. The evolution of distance education contributes to the development of a competitive market environment to its qualitatively new organizational and methodological level.
distance learning, departments of morphological profile, quarantine, advantages, disadvantages
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 188-191 pages, index UDK 378. 147