About the author:
Kushta A. O., Shuvalov S. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Objective. The purpose of the work is to improve the methods of controlling the act of swallowing normal, with the output of objective indicators with mathematical justification. To study the anatomical features of the dynamics of contraction of the muscles of the mouth and pharynx when swallowing and to give signs of their conformity to the ultrasonographic image.Object and methods. The study involved 57 volunteers without signs of dysphagia aged 25-65 years. Scans were performed in the sagittal and frontal planes with a 7.5 MHz sensor in two modes B and M at rest and during the act of swallowing. Results. New methods of ultrasonographic research are introduced in the work, where the muscles of the chin-lingual, chin-sublingual, maxillo-sublingual and biceps muscles are visualized, the amplitude of contraction of these muscles is determined from right and left, and if the amplitude of movement is less than 30%, this indicates a swallowing act. They then scanned the hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, and mandible and measured the orifice between them at rest and during the act of swallowing. In addition, a brief overview of the methods and use of ultrasonography in assessing swallowing function in patients was described. Conclusions. In the normal act of swallowing in a healthy person, the range of motion of the hyoid bone with a reference measurement to the edge of the chin of the mandible is a maximum of 8 mm to 12 mm. During the normal act of swallowing and contraction of the sublingual muscle group, the vertical size of this complex increases by 30.8 ± 1.3% in the B-mode and about 40% in the M-mode. The range of contractions of the anterior abdomen of the biceps horizontally during swallowing decreased by 33.12 ± 1.6%
ultrasonography, ultrasonometry, swallowing, dysphagia.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 192-197 pages, index UDK 611+616.31:616-78