About the author:
Isayenko O. Y., Babych E. M., Martynov A. V., Gorbach T. V., Antusheva T. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Metabolic complexes obtained by growing microbial cells of lactobacilli and saccharomycetes in their own ultrasonic disintegrates, show high antimicrobial activity alone and in combination with antibacterial drugs against multidrug-resistant opportunistic and pathogenic pathogens. Antibacterial action can be caused by any component of the biologically active complex. This encourages a comprehensive study of their components. The purpose of the study: was to establish the composition of the filtrates of ultrasonic disintegrates of probiotic strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Saccharomyces boulardii and metabolic complexes obtained on their basis, to substantiate the properties of the test substances. Methods. Determination of total nitrogen and calculation of crude protein was carried out by the Kjeldahl method. The true protein was determined by the Lowry method. The amino acid composition (except tryptophan) was determined by ion exchange column chromatography, and the amount of tryptophan was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Results. All experimental samples contained protein, nitrogen, essential and non-essential amino acids. The nitrogen content was mainly of protein origin. Glycine, alanine, valine, and arginine were observed in most samples of lactobacilli. All samples contained tryptophan. The process of culturing lactobacilli in their own disintegrates was accompanied by a decrease in the amount of serine, proline, alanine and an increase in arginine, histidine, lysine. After growing lactobacilli, the concentration of free amino acids decreased (from 21.88% to 1.54%), and the protein increased almost twice. Increased protein synthesis under given cultivation conditions confirms the activity of lactobacilli and their production of metabolites. The biologically active substances of saccharomycetes had a statistically significantly greater accumulation of amino acids (3.5-6.6) compared with lactobacilli (1.8-3.38, P = 0.05). The largest amounts of glycine, alanine, valine, serine, and leucine were observed in the filtrates of S. boulardii disintegrates. Cultivation of saccharomycetes was accompanied by a predominant synthesis of arginine (0.5 μg), glycine (0.3 μg), aspartic acid by 0.2 μg compared with their own disintegrates (P < 0.05). The total amount of free amino acids in the cultivation of saccharomycetes decreased from 21.95% to 7.8%, and the concentration of crude protein, true protein, amino acids, nitrogen increased. Conclusion. All experimental samples of lactobacilli and saccharomycetes contain protein, nitrogen, essential and non-essential amino acids. Changes in amino acid composition, decrease in free amino acids and increase in protein concentration in metabolic complexes in comparison with samples of disintegrates on the basis of which they were obtained, confirm the growth and reproduction of microbial cells of probiotic strains of microorganisms in ultrasonic disintegrates. The probability of participation of amino acid components in antibacterial, restorative, antiinflammatory, wound-healing actions of metabolic complexes of lactobacilli and saccharomycetes is substantiated.
аmino acids, protein, nitrogen, metabolites, probiotics.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 204-207 pages, index UDK 615.281.9-03:[615.331+615.339]