About the author:
Koka V. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The peculiarities of the structure of different parts of the tongue of white rats were studied in the work. It is established that the structural organization of the tongue of white rats is not fundamentally different from the human one, as a result of which this kind of laboratory animals is correctly used in experimental modeling of pathological processes of this organ. According to our results, the greatest thickness of the mucous membrane reaches in the area of the root of the tongue – 186±5.08 μm, in the body the same figure is 175±7.60 μm, in the area of the tip the thickness of the mucous membrane was the smallest and was 166.1±5.08 μm. The thickness of the multilayered squamous epithelium did not differ significantly in different parts of the tongue and accordingly was: 130.5±6.54 μm in the area of the tip, 128.7±6.48 μm in the area of the body, 131.4±7.23 μm in the area of the root. The mucous salivary glands of the tongue are located mainly in the root area and along the lateral surfaces. The average diameter of the end sections of the mucous glands is 55.7±2.89 μm. In the glands of this type of parenchyma occupies 70%, and 30%, respectively, account for the stromal component, represented by connective tissue. Protein salivary glands are located near the grooved papillae and in the thickness of the tongue. The terminal divisions of such glands are represented by tubules with a narrow internal lumen, the walls of which are formed by serocytes – basophilic cells of pyramidal shape, with a centrally located nucleus. According to the obtained data, the average diameter of the terminal parts of the protein glands of the tongue is almost twice smaller than the same in the mucous glands and, accordingly, is 32.25±3.59 μm. The share of parenchyma in the protein glands accounts for 75.9%, the stroma, respectively, occupies 24.1%. The processes of keratinization in the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the tongue of white rats are more pronounced than in humans, which is due to the nature of feeding of this kind of animals. Metric parameters of individual structural components of the tongue of white rats have significant differences depending on the localization, which must be taken into account when interpreting the experimental data.
: tongue, mucous membrane, salivary glands, morphometry.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 225-229 pages, index UDK 611.068