About the author:
Nekhanevych O. B., Bakuridze-Manina V. B., Smirnova O. L., Нlushchuk E. О., Chernysh V. A., Radzetskiy M. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Results of recent studies inform about the decrease in the health level in the young people who have signs of dysplasia of the connective tissue. One of the most frequent manifestations of dysplasia of the connective tissue is the hypermobility of joints (HMJ). HMJ is the amount of debris in one or even deciduous slopes is transformed according to the average statistical norm. Patients with the HMJ frequently have the collapse οn side οf thе heart-ship іn system іn thе support-collar apparatus, muscle hypotony, complains at headache and early fatigue during exercising. In this way, the importance of the development of a physical camp is built up by special features from the first manifestations of DCT for the purpose of establishing the necessary physical support on the job because of the physical culture. The aim of the study. Investigate the features of the physical condition of students with external manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia. Object and methods of research. We conducted a study of 155 female students aged 17-20 years, who were engaged in the main medical department on the program of physical education for medical students. Methods: theoretical analysis of literature sources, questionnaires, anthropometry, determination of clinical signs of HMJ according to the criteria of P. Beighton (P. Beighton, 1983), methods of determining the functional state of the body, assessment of physical health, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results and their discussion. The average sum of points according to the criteria of P. Baiton is equal to 4.3±1.2 points, which corresponds to a moderately pronounced HMJ. Female students with normal mobility in the joints were group I (n = 39), with moderate HMJ – group II (n = 67), and with significant HMJ – group III (n = 49). The majority of students of group I (21.4%) and group II (21.9%) were engaged in sports games, and representatives of group III (18.5%) preferred gymnastics and dancing. Complaints of unpleasant sensations during exercise, especially the state of the cardiovascular system, more often occurred in members of group III (p<0,05). In group III students, dizziness is more common – 46.2%, shortness of breath when walking – 50.0%, in group II – 43.3% and 41.8% of cases, respectively, and in group I students, this result was 38.5% and 20.5%. Low back pain was more common in students of group III – 44.9% and group II – 40.3% of cases, and the least – 17.9% among group I. Conclusions. The condition of hypermobility of joints is a marker of systemic involvement of connective tissue in the dysplastic process, which requires consideration by specialists when dosing exercise in physical education classes. It was found that complaints of unpleasant sensations during exercise, especially the state of the cardiovascular system, more often occurred in representatives of group III (p <0,05), which confirms the assumption of possible deviations in the state of the cardiovascular system in people with significant hypermobility of the joints. Most students in group I have a lower than average level of physical health, and students in groups II and III – low, which may indicate the presence of functional changes in the body. With increasing severity of hypermobility of the joints there is a deterioration in physical fitness, in addition to the results in the test, which determines the level of flexibility.
connective tissue dysplasia, hypermobility of joints, physical condition, female students.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 300-303 pages, index UDK 796.012.1:614.253.4:612.75