About the author:
Lysokon Yu. Yu.
Type of article:
Scentific article
It is known that the level of calcium in the body is under the control of the thyroid gland, and the metabolism of collagen – the organic matrix of bone – depends on the concentration of hydroxyproline in blood plasma. Therefore, we considered it appropriate to study the effect of osteotropic agents used to correct bone defects in experimental animals on changes in calcitonin and hydroxyproline levels. To elucidate the biochemical mechanisms osteotropic influence of drugs on bone tissues studied changes in markers of bone metabolism and Са hormone levels dynamics in experimental research. The aim of the study: to investigate the effectiveness of osteoinductive materials for the reconstruction of bone defects. Object and methods of research. Osteoplastic properties of the materials were studied in a model of a bone defect of the femur of the diaphyseal zone in Wistar rats, four months old. Were formed 4 experimental groups: control group (intact animals) – 12 individuals; Group I – 14 animals, osteoplastic material «mp3 OsteoBiol» was used to heal the bone defect; Group II – 13 animals, filling the bone defect with platelet-rich plasma (PRP); Group III – 15 animals, in the augmentation of the bone defect used the composition «mp3 OsteoBiol + PRP». Alkaline phosphatase activity was determined by photometric unified method. Total acid phosphatase was determined by photometric optimized kinetic method. The mineralization index was calculated as the ratio of the activity of Alkaline Phosphatase / Acid Phosphatase enzymes. Determination of the concentration of hydroxyproline was performed photometrically and the content of calcitonin in the blood of animals was studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Statistical processing of the obtained results was performed on a personal computer using the licensed programs «Microsoft Excel» and «Statistica». Research results and their discussion. As a result of the study, it was found that the lowest values of the concentration of calcitonin and hydroxyproline were studied in experimental animals of group III, where the bone defect was restored by our proposed composition. On day 60 of the study in animals of group III, where the healing of the bone defect occurred under the action of our proposed composition, the activity of alkaline phosphatase was equal to that of intact rats, p> 0.05, p1 , p2 <0.01, the activity of acid phosphatase in the blood decreased, however, the obtained data did not differ in statistical significance from the values in rats of the control group, determined an improvement in the value of the Alkaline Phosphatase / Acid Phosphatase index in group III – 1,3 times. According to the markers of bone metabolism, our proposed composition «mp3 OsteoBiol» and platelet-enriched blood plasma (group III), promotes the inhibition of osteoplastic resorption and determines the optimal conditions for improving structural changes in bone mineral matrix. Conclusions. In experiments on laboratory animals, osteotropic drugs were studied and characterized, based on the results of biochemical studies, and the ability of the composition «mp3 OsteoBiol + PRP» to ensure the purchase of a bone defect in 60 days was proved. In particular, this was confirmed by the fact that by the end of the experiment in animals of the III experimental group of hydroxyproline concentration, the activity of alkaline phosphatase / acid phosphatase in blood plasma did not differ significantly from those in intact animals.
markers of bone metabolism, osteotropic drugs, platelet-rich plasma, bone tissue.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 336-340 pages, index UDK 591.84:591.111.1:616.71:001.891.5