About the author:
Kalabukhova A. S., Radziejowska М. P.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article is aimed to determine the development level for selected indicators that describe the level of development of physical abilities and to compare the findings with standard data approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the elementary school children aged between 6 to 11 years. Object and methods. The study was conducted in consideration of first-year pupils of 6 to 7 years old; so pupils of 6 to 11 years were involved in the research. Total number of pupils was 1,003 persons. In order to determine the level of physical abilities we have used 6 types of tests that describe speed (30 m running, sec), flexibility (onward trunk incline from seating position, cm), strength (horizontal bar pull-ups, times), agility (shuttle running 4x9 m, sec), exercise endurance (trunk lift to seating position for 60 sec, times) and speed and strength abilities (standing long jump, cm). A physical ability testing was conducted during gym classes with written consent of parents and guardians (аll tests were conducted with the teacher). We used Microsoft Excel for reviewing to show the findings as average values and the standard error as arithmetic mean. Results. Review of standards for physical fitness of elementary school pupils showed that during the school years the tests of 30 m running, standing long jumps, truck lift to seating position for 60 sec have levels of «good» and «excellent». The standard of shuttle running has both high (first, fifth grades) and low (second, third, fourth grades) levels. Strength grows among all grades has the «satisfactory» level (2 to 3 scores). As other authors (Melega K.P., Masliak I.P., Tovt V.A., Tiukh I.A. et al.) say, the elementary school pupils show variable dynamics of physical fitness which takes average and below average levels of physical abilities development. Conclusions. The study findings: made it possible to put the hardest physical control standards, showed the level for physical abilities development at the current standards for pupils of the 1st to 5th grades, revealed the need for improvement of the efficacy of physical education for the elementary school pupils. Prospects for further research. Study the sickness rate of the elementary school age children at the current level of training standards for evaluation of development of pupils’ physical abilities; study the content of physical training classes for the children who had acute respiratory viral diseases.
primary school children, motion activity, physical abilities.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 385-390 pages, index UDK 612.6+796.015.8+371