Bezshapochny S. B., Sonnik N. B.


About the author:

Bezshapochny S. B., Sonnik N. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In childhood, the following forms of acute otitis media are distinguished: acute purulent otitis media in children of preschool and school age; acute purulent otitis media in newborns; latent acute otitis media; recurrent otitis media; otitis in infectious diseases. There are three clinical stages of development: non-perforative, perforation of the eardrum, recovery. Treatment of acute otitis media is divided into general and local. General treatment includes rational antibiotic therapy. Antiinflammatory and detoxification therapy is also performed. Local treatment depends on the clinical stage of the process. Absence of secretions from the ear, normalization of the eardrum, auditory function indicates recovery. Acute otitis media in infants has its own characteristics. We observe the predominance of general reactions of the body over local manifestations. It is difficult to diagnose acute otitis media. This is due to the structure of the eardrum, the external auditory canal. Otoscopy data have their own features. Helps to diagnose tympanic puncture in time. The principle of treatment is little different from the previous form. Antibiotics are administered within 10 days. The causes of latent otitis media can be common diseases, developmental disorders, immune deficiency. Latent disease is characterized by mild symptoms. However, changes in the general analysis of blood are significant. The main result of diagnosis is tympanopuncture. The duration of antibacterial therapy can be 10-14 days. If treatment is ineffective, latent otoanthritis should be considered. Recurrent otitis media can cause deafness. There are three forms: mild, moderate and severe. Influenza otitis media is characterized by high fever, severe ear pain. Now severe forms of scarlet fever otitis do not occur. When measles we can observe early otitis and otitis during peeling. Diphtheria otitis has two forms: primary and secondary.


acute otitis media, latent otitis media, recurrent otitis media, paracentesis.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 9-12 pages, index UDK 616.284-002-053.2