Seliukova N. Yu., Misyura K. V., Morozenko D. V., Dotsenko R. V., Zemlianskyi A. O.


About the author:

Seliukova N. Yu., Misyura K. V., Morozenko D. V., Dotsenko R. V., Zemlianskyi A. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Sexual behavior is an integral part of the functioning of reproductive function, and the question of the long-term effects of fetoplacental insufficiency (FPI) on the functioning of the reproductive system of male offspring remains open. It is known that the long-term effects of certain factors during pregnancy can occur many years after birth. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of maternal FPI on the sexual behavior of adult offspring of male rats, and to assess the degree of correction of complicated pregnancy with a pharmaceutical composition. The experiment involved healthy mature female mothers of Wistar rats, young (3 months) and mature (10 months) of reproductive age. 8 groups of 7 pregnant females were formed: groups 1 and 2 – intact animals of young and mature reproductive age; groups 3 and 4 – females with experimental FPI of young and mature reproductive age, respectively; groups 5 and 6 – young and mature animals with experimental FPI and addition to food dependingon the weight of animals from 11 to 19 days of pregnancy pharmaceutical composition. Groups 7 and 8 – young and mature animals with experimental FPI, to which was added to the food comparison drug – dipyridamole. Modeling of FPI was performed by daily subcutaneous injection to females from the 12th to the 18th day of pregnancy 50% oil solution of carbon tetrachloride at a dose of 2 ml/kg body weight. Sexual behavior was studied in adult male offspring, and serum samples were taken during decapitation to determine estradiol and testosterone concentrations. FPI leads to hormonal imbalance in the perinatal period of individual development of the organism and causes a significant modifying effect on the formation of neuroendocrine mechanisms of behavior regulation. The study found that animals born to reproductively mature and young females with FPI have disorders at the central and peripheral levels of regulation, while the concentration of testosterone is reduced and relative hyperestrogenism is detected. Significantly reduces the number of males who completed their sexual intercourse with ejaculation, increases the temporal behavior but decreases in quantity. A positive correction of the pharmaceutical composition on the number of animals that completed their sexual intercourse by ejaculation, but the temporal and quantitative indicators of sexual behavior and low testosterone levels in males remained at the level of pathology


fetoplacental insufficiency, sexual behavior, mother’s age, pharmaceutical composition.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 73-78 pages, index UDK 591.463+612.613+618.3-06