Chyzh M. O., Babaieva G. G., Rohoza L. A., Halchenko S. Ye.


About the author:

Chyzh M. O., Babaieva G. G., Rohoza L. A., Halchenko S. Ye.



Type of article:

Scentific article


. One of the most important problems of modern cardiology is ischemic heart disease and its formidable complication, i.e. myocardial infarction. Currently, attempts arebeing made to restore the damaged myocardium by using the drugs of biological origin, which are capable of stimulating a reparative regeneration. The research aim was to characterize the effect of the extract of the pigs’ heart cryopreserved fragments (EPHCF) on electrocardiographic parameters, heart rate variability (HRV) and peptide composition of blood serum of rats with experimental myocardial necrosis (MN). Research object and methods. The study was conducted in 63 outbred white 9 months-agedrats. Myocardial necrosis was simulated by local cryotherapy on the anterior-lateral surface of heart. EPHCF was injected into abdominal cavity once a day. The dose of peptides made 50 μg per 100 g of animal weight. ECG was analyzed by means of «Poly-Spectrum 8/B» hardware-software complex. HRV was examined using the Poly-Spectrum-Rhythm software. Peptides in blood serum were studied by the MALDI-ToF with mass spectroscopy using a MALDI MS Autoflex II. The histological samples were investigated with a MEIJI Techno TC5200 microscope. Conclusions. ECG analysis showed that in the animals with subepicardial cryonecrosis of the myocardium, which were injected with EPHCF already on day 7 of the experiment, the electrophysiological indices of the heart state were normalized. The introduction of EPHCFled to a notable rise in functional capabilities of animal body and promoted an earlier restoration (on day 14) of the standard deviation of the normal RR intervals values, the total power of the spectrum and the ratio of spectral components. The peptide composition of rat blood serum depends on the period after myocardial necrosis modeling, and the data obtained can be used in diagnosis, stage of the disease, as well as in establishing the role of corresponding peptides in development of myocardium necrosis and its recovery.


myocardial infarction, electrocardiography, heart rate variability, blood serum, peptides.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 78-83 pages, index UDK 615.361:615.451.1:611.12]:57.086.13:616.12-005.8-092.9