Derbak M. A., Zhovanik N. V., Lyakh O. I., Koval V. Yu., Lazur Ya. V.


About the author:

Derbak M. A., Zhovanik N. V., Lyakh O. I., Koval V. Yu., Lazur Ya. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article presents the results of examination of 479 patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) during the period 2018 – September 2020. In 46% (218/47479) of patients, stage 2 COPD was diagnosed, in 13% (61/479) of persons – stage 1, 33% (155/479) – stage 3. There were fewer patients with stage 4 – 9% (45/479). By gender, men predominated (71% versus 29%). The various kinds of gastropathy were registered in 116 patients with COPD from 479, which is 25% from general number. The average age of patients with diagnosed gastropathies was 58±2.1 years. According to the GOLD strategy, the vast majority of patients (63%) with concomitant gastropathy (73 of 116) had many symptoms. Also, 60 people out of 116 (52%) being treated in a pulmonary hospital for COPD with concomitant gastropathy had many symptoms and stage 2 COPD. It was found that the most common gastropathy in patients with COPD is gastric dyspepsia, detected in 48% of patients, chronic gastritis was registered in 36%, GERD – 11% and gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer – 4%. A positive H. pylori status was diagnosed in 27% of patients. Analyzing the structure of gastropathy, it was found that with an increase in the stage of COPD, the tendency to an increase in the frequency of chronic gastritis (from 25% in stage 1 to 50% in stage 4 of COPD) and a decrease in the frequency of patients with gastric dyspepsia (from 67% in stage 1 to 30% in 4 stages). The increase in the number of patients with concomitant chronic gastritis is probably due to the forced admission of patients with a long history of COPD inhaled or oral corticosteroids, a high incidence of Helicobacter pylori infection and tobacco smoking. Also, in 14% of patients, a combination of two nosologies was revealed, such as: GERD + gastric dyspepsia, GERD + chronic gastritis, GERD + gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Accordingly, concomitant gastropathies are a common comorbid pathology in patients with COPD, since they are recorded in every fourth patient, with the maximum rate in patients with GOLD II (46%), among whom every fifth patient has a Helicobacter positive status.


prevalence, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, gastropathies, concomitant pathology.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 118-121 pages, index UDK 616-039.1:616-34-002+616.24-002