Zhdan V. M., Tkachenko M. V., Babanina M. Yu., Kіtura Ye. M., Volchenko G. V.


About the author:

Zhdan V. M., Tkachenko M. V., Babanina M. Yu., Kіtura Ye. M., Volchenko G. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of the study was to determine whether the presence of psoriatic arthritis is associated with greater comorbidity, in particular cardiovascular morbidity, compared to psoriasis without arthritis. 56 patients with psoriatic arthritis were recruited from the rheumatology department of «Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital n.a. M.V. Skliphosovskyi of Poltava Regional Council» and 38 psoriasis without arthritis patients from the outpatient department of «Poltava Regional Clinical Hospital n.a. M.V. Skliphosovskyi of Poltava Regional Council». The clinical database was used to identify the prevalence of cardiovascular and other comorbidities in both psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis without arthritis patients. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to estimate odds ratios, comparing the odds of ever having a given comorbid disease in psoriatic arthritis patients with those in psoriasis without arthritis patients. Covariates included age, sex, education, smoking status, severity and duration of psoriasis, medication status, and other comorbidities. According to the research the prevalence of hypertension, obesity, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus and at least one cardiovascular event in patients with psoriatic arthritis was 36,9%, 31,1%, 20,3%, 11,09% and 8,7% respectively. This was significantly higher than in psoriasis without arthritis patients with unadjusted odds ratios ranging from 1,55 to 2,58. In the multivariate analyses, hypertension remained significantly elevated (corrected probability factor 2,18). Psoriatic arthritis was also significantly associated with infections not treated with antibiotics (presumably viral), neurologic conditions, gastrointestinal disorders, and liver disease (adjusted odds ratios 2,79; 4,75; 21,47; and 7,68, respectively). Infections treated with antibiotics and depression / anxiety were relatively common in psoriatic arthritis with a prevalence of 31,8% and 19,3%, respectively. However, this was not significantly different from psoriasis without arthritis after multivariate adjustments. According to the study was founded that inflammatory joint disease (psoriatic arthritis) may play a main role in the development of both cardiovascular and other comorbidities in patients with psoriatic arthritis.


psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, hypertension, infections.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 137-142 pages, index UDK 616.517:616.72-002